Your last chance!! Have a say on the Next Generation of the Internet. NOW!

  • David Overton profile
    David Overton
    6 January 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Your last chance!! Have a say on the Next Generation of the Internet.  NOW!

It's the last weekend before the consultation on the Next Generation Internet closes on Monday 9th January 2017.  Could it be  your last chance to have your say and influence which areas the European Commission see as a priority?  Grab a coffee,  a cognac, a beer; relax and browse the views below then take 1/2 an hour of your time and have your say in the consultation here

There's been an amazing response on the blog in this final week.

See it all here: and here's a quick summary;

-Why has discovery become a purely commercially driven element on the internet?  What does that mean for internet users?  Does it need to change?  -  A great article from Henrik Biering


Should discovery be owned?

-The silos of personal and behavioural data that big internet companies create, exploit and jealously guard prevent the emergence of a truly "open" internet.  In  this and in our rush to save our children from the perils of the internet, are we sleep-walking into a two tiered internet that disadvantages the next generation?  See what the Web Science Institute think here

We've attracted the Vloggers too; watch and listen

-The Gallileo space programme has so many opportunities for the future internet, but are we geared up to exploit them?  Can "Small Data" be more powerful than big data when making the internet more "human"?  See this video from Loretta at the EC

-If regulation always lags behind innovation, then isn't it clear which of these two we should invest in?  Watch Peter's video here

-What's the EC's "future networks" perspective on the challenges to personal data?

-What do the next generation of internet users think?  A 9 year old's perspective here

-"The best way to forecast the future is to invent within it", but in which areas? See this from Victoria at the Hellenic Ministry


Victoria "The best way to forecast the future is to innovate within it..."

And the results so far?


We've kept a watching brief on progress with the consultation over the past 2 months.  You can find out exactly what is being represented in the consultation and the views of the many hundreds of participants taking part.  The latest report is here

Why have people chosen the importance of sovereignty over their own data as the highest priority?  How does this match with their focus on personal data spaces and artificial intelligence as the most important technology areas to address?

The report shares what the participants, so far, consider to be the "key challenges".  But do you agree?

Have your say.  Get involved!

You'll love it!  And if you've read this far, you're certainly in a great position to answer the consultation here.