Call for expression of interest for the eInfrastructure Proposers Day on 19/01/2017

  • Stephanie MATT profile
    Stephanie MATT
    6 December 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

An eInfrastructure Proposers' Day will take place in Amsterdam on the 19th of January 2017 from 09:00 to 18:00. Should you wish to participate to the event, please send us an email to The deadline for registration is Friday 13th of January 2017.

The objective of the event is to facilitate the collaboration and integration of major e-infrastructure projects while supporting new potential beneficiaries to cooperate with larger initiatives and become service providers in the context of the upcoming EINFRA 12 projects.  The agenda offers a combination of presentations and interactive sessions that will allow participants to address important horizontal issues.

We are hereby launching a call for expression of interest to identify the consortia that would be willing to present their proposal concept during the event. In their presentations, interested organisations should address the following points:

  • Current service offering of consortium members

  • Target service offering at the end of the project

  • Sketch of the integration approach

  • Involvement of user communities

  • Gaps that could be filled by new partners

Please reply by posting a comment under this discussion.

In addition, we are asking you to suggest topics for the afternoon interactive discussion sessions which aim to clarify important issues that proposers might have to address when preparing their projects. An indicative list of topics has been compiled and we ask you to propose additional ones according to your needs and interests by posting a comment under this link.

Participants will be asked to fill in a questionnaire after the event.