Open-EU: Opening Europe to evidence-based decision making

  • Karl DONERT profile
    Karl DONERT
    10 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Open-EU: Opening Europe to evidence-based decision making

Information is power. 

The EU invests considerable time, energy and funding in gathering vital data from member states for improved decision making. Under OMC and INSPIRE this data is made open to the public and is available to citizens. However, the current national and European data portals do not provide the information in formats and styles that would be useful for citizens and society to access. As a result value-added uses of EU data are lost, the opportunities for engaging citizens in policy developments and decision-making, are limited or lost.

At the same time the European Commission has recognised the need to raise information literacy and improve the digital skills of its citizens. An open, accessible, friendly data-rich environment is needed to support this. 

Open-EU would offer this environment - by providing (in a specific policy area) 

i) examples of good practices, 
ii) case studies of interaction with policy makers, 
iii) resources supporting citizen groups and civil society to use the information and 
iv) open data in a useful and usable format

we believe greater transparency and interaction will result. This will shift the power balance from decision makers towards citizens and enable deeper more profound interactions over important decisions being faced in (and beyond) Europe.

We have been working on a pilot of this - called YouthMetre ( It is forward looking pilot project empowering young people to engage with policy makers and public authorities making decisions on youth policy expenditure (at European, national, regional and local levels). The purpose is to support citizen advocacy through evidence-based decision making as "information is power"!

The YouthMetre will be launched in Brussels, at the Committee of Regions in February 2017. It's concept can be applied across different policy domains such as telecoms, environment or energy, at different scales (local, national, international) and in different regions - for instance the tools could be developed with neighbourhood regions in mind (such as EuroMed) as long as data is collected and good practices can be identified and shared.