Thinkinside SRL

  • Alberto Rabacchin profile
    Alberto Rabacchin
    14 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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ThinkIN uses web analytics to turn physical spaces into smart environments, by monitoring and analysing the movement of people and assets in real-time and transforming it into actionable KPIs which are used to recommend interventions for optimising the efficiency of processes and for enhancing customer experience.

About the Innovator

ThinkInside SRL is a deep-tech startup developing ThinkIN, an Internet of Things platform which allows indoor businesses to optimise their operations by monitoring in an unobtrusive and privacy-preserving manner the position and behaviour of people and assets indoors, offering location-based value-added services to end users, and providing actionable KPIs to effectively support business decisions. ThinkInside - created as a spin-off of U-Hopper Srl to capitalise on tech developed in the EU-funded i-locate project - delivers end-to-end solutions for selected vertical markets such as retail, healthcare and industry 4.0.

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What is the innovation

In the EU-funded i-locate project we have developed a middleware making it quick and easy to implement indoor location-based services and applications. By allowing developers and innovators to focus on the application logic without having to deal with the low-level details of indoor positioning technologies, this middleware lowers the entry barrier to the indoor location-based services market. The middleware is available as open source; we are using it in our product line, and have evidence that other companies are using it as well.



Out of the lab – Into the Market

Following the successful R&D&I performed in the EU-funded i-locate proejct it was decided to spin off the whole indoor analytics product line (which was incubated within our former venture, U-Hopper Srl) as a separate company. This meant refocusing our efforts, developing marketing and sales activities and creating a network of technical and commercial partners to support our growth. We have been accelerated by EIT Digital and H-Farm. Currently we have customers in US, Canada, Germany, Chile, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy. 

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

In the EU-funded i-locate project we worked with top players from all over Europe. We leveraged extensively the knowledge provided by such network to enhance our products and improve our competitiveness. One of the outstanding features of i-locate was also the extensive piloting activities (14 pilots). This put under stress test our technology, providing us with unique insights. And it was one of the key factors allowing us to quickly ramp up operations and to build a large customer base.