
  • Alberto Rabacchin profile
    Alberto Rabacchin
    14 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Airoptic’s disruptive gas sensor, based on a novel light source, developed within frame of the EU-funded MIREGAS project can be easily deployed in strategic points on oil rigs or in industrial areas, allowing dozens of gases to be monitored at once. Sensors used today in industry require several minutes to produce a single measurement result, whereas the new device can detect dozens of harmful emissions in milliseconds, making it effectively a real-time instrument at the same time being a low cost device. 

About the Innovator

Airoptic Sp. z o.o. is a Polish SME founded in 2010. The company produces high performance gas analyzers for industrial and safety applications. The company has customers worldwide and global distribution network. The products are based on Airoptic’s own state-of-the art laser technology. A substantial focus is put on R&D and development of novel products. As an example, Airoptic has developed a world’s first remote formaldehyde and alcohol sensor for which the company obtained an U.S. Patent in 2015.



What is the innovation

Within the framework of the EU-funded MIREGAS project, Airoptic has developed a novel type of gas sensor based on a cost effective multi-wavelength light source in Mid-IR wavelength range developed by the proejct consortium. The widespread detection of hydrocarbons is a key area for the MIREGAS technology. Airoptic's gas sensor will allow multi-gas detection with spectral resolution 10 times better than today’s conventional MOEMS-based sensors. A TRL level 7 is expected to be achieved by the end of 2017.

Out of the lab – Into the Market

The market impact is expected to be disruptive, since there are currently no such devices on the market. Airoptic is planning a full production deployment of the gas sensor after the project ends in Dec 2017. Production will take place at a facility in Poznan whereas the products will be distributed via existing global distribution channels. The product deployment process will be based on company’s experience of product deployments from previous framework programs.  

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Participation in projects funded under EU Framework Programmes allowed the company to develop and successfully deploy state-of-the-art industrial gas sensors on the market. This makes today Airoptic a leader on the market when it comes to new and often disruptive technical solutions making Airoptic very competitive on the market. In addition, the company has established very broad contact network with EU companies and institutions, which is very important for company growth.