DEI Workshop 27 June: Report & Presentations

  • Lorena Riveiro ... profile
    Lorena Riveiro ...
    28 June 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0

In order to prepare the Autumn Roundtable on Digitising European Industry, a preparatory workshop gathered in Brussels the sherpas of the Roundtable representatives. Participation, at working level, also included representatives of the ministry(ies) in charge of the digitisation of industry, as well as representatives of the national initiatives for Digitising Industry already in place, industry, H2020 Public-Private Partnerships and European Associations. You can find the full list of participants here.

The report of the workshop is available here.

The following topics where discussed during the day:

Digital Innovation Hubs action line- Outcome of the Working Group on Digital Innovation Hubs

Digital Industrial Platforms action line


Regulations fit for the Digital Age

European Platform of national initiatives
