Successful inclusion of migrants and refugees in European cities: how local players are making it happen and what support is needed from EU level

  • Abderrahim khairi profile
    Abderrahim khairi
    24 September 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Thursday, 18 October, 2018 - 14:00
European parliament
Place du Luxembourg 100,
1047 Brussels
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Successful Inclusion of migrants and refugees in European Cities: How local players are making it happen and what support is needed from EU level

Designing Inclusion closing transnational seminar

18 October 2018, 14:00 – 16:00 at the European Parliament, Brussels


While EU leaders struggle to reach an adequate deal on a coordinated responses to migration, cities, local government and relevant stakeholders like providers of affordable housing in many countries are already offering solutions towards the inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees.

The EC Action Plan on Integration of Third Country Nationals highlights “access to adequate and affordable housing is crucial”, and successful projects from across Europe show that equally important is to build a sense of community and put in place support, in cooperation with a range of stakeholders: from employment and skills training to advice and care provision.

Designing Inclusion is a collaborative project co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus + programme - addressing the interface between architecture, urban design, urban planning education and the production of inclusive urban spaces for refugees and forced migrants. The project has co-produced knowledge about existing practices of civil society organisations – including housing providers - in the reception of migrants and refugees in local urban areas, on-going challenges and instances of innovation. Designing Inclusion closing transnational will present the intellectual outputs realised by the project over the past 2 years.

Through interactive discussion with representatives of institutions, civil society organisations, housing providers, networks and academics, this event aims at addressing some key questions. What is the evidence from the ground? How to build knowledge and practice on inclusion of migrants and refugees? How can inclusion at local level effectively be supported by the EU? 

Event Agenda: