8th meeting of the Housing Partnership, Glasgow

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    20 September 2017 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 20 September, 2017 - 09:00 to Thursday, 21 September, 2017 - 16:00

The next meeting of the Housing Partnership will take place in Glasgow and focus on housing financing in the new and old Member States. Members will not only have the occasion to discuss the findings of two research projects of Glasgow University and Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest, but also meet with local and regional politicians and housing experts. The meeting will also offer the opportunity to on-site study visits of social housing projects.


More information

8th Meeting held in Glasgow focused on innovative financing for affordable housing

Background paper to the Public Feedback

Public Feedback

Overcoming Obstacles to the Funding and Delivery of Affordable Housing Supply in European States

Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe: Identifying and Overcoming Constrains in New Member States