Politecnico di Milano

  • Ivica Cubic profile
    Ivica Cubic
    19 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Photonics is a powerful technology, but sometimes too complex and too expensive go out of the lab. Spying photons without absorbing them, that’s the key. Our non-invasive photodetector technology enables to automatically configure programmable photonic processors and realize self-configuring light beam manipulators with no need for pre-calibration or global optimization procedures. Make photonics go simpler, let photonics go cheaper.

About the Innovator

With broad competences in integrated photonic circuits we are contributing to identify viable solutions to increase the integration level of photonic integrated circuits by implementing smart actuators, transparent detectors and advanced feedback-control techniques to steer their behaviour, while reducing the design complexity by means process design kits.

What is the innovation


BBOI photonic chip

The innovation is the first device ever realized that can measure the intensity of the light on a photonic chip in a non invasive way. This built-in transparent photodetector enables the implementation of simple and robust control algorithms for the self-configuration and automatic control of programmable photonic processors, removing the need for time-consuming pre-calibration or global optimization procedures. Several prototypes demonstrated and successfully employed on different silicon and III-V photonics platforms.

YouTube: Unscrambling light on a photonic chip; Spy the light on a photonic chip

Out of the lab – Into the Market

Simple is better. The technology used by CLIPP is standard, CMOS-compatible, suitable for direct integration with electronics and free of charge. Good news for silicon photonics and InP (indium phosphide-based platform) players as bringing our new detector on the market is easy, fast and at zero cost. This innovation has been already brought out of the lab and employed in two industrial projects in collaboration with Huawei Technologies CO., LTD., through a non-exclusive licensing of a granted patent (US 9722124 B2).

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Our participation in FP7 through the BBOI (Breaking the Barrier on Optical Integration) project has permitted a systematic and structured development of the original idea on both scientific and business oriented paths. The consolidation of the scientific reputation, the larger visibility, the cross fertilization with other EU projects (both FP7 and H2020) and the growth of the international professional network have been key factors towards a first industrial exploitation of our goals.