
  • Ivica Cubic profile
    Ivica Cubic
    18 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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By rapidly directing light with sound waves in 3D we make thoughts in the brain literally visible as the nerve cells light up and communicate with each other. It is possible to detect the activity of the tiniest cellular processes and large neuronal networks at the same time to understand neuronal computation. This will improve understanding of intricate coding mechanisms in the central nervous system and, by precisely manipulating cells, develop effective cortical prostheses and new therapeutic methods. These advances were supported by a grant from the EU.

About the Innovator

Femtonics is a Budapest-based enterprise which specialised on the R&D and export of high value 2D and 3D laser scanning microscopes for brain research and medical applications. The company provides a new concept of three dimensional imaging and further aims to raise the standards of imaging 3D structures. The excellent research done by the team is testified by various publications in high impact journals and the rewarding of various prizes.

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What is the innovation

We developed a 3-dimensional, drifting acousto-optical 2-photon laser-scanning technology, which can extend each scanning point to small 3D lines, surfaces, or volume elements for flexible and fast imaging of complex structures simultaneously in multiple locations. This allows elimination of motion artefacts generated by heartbeat or breathing and, therefore, scanning is possible with high resolution (<400nm), with up to >10,000,000 faster speed as compared to previously used scanning methods (Szalay,2016,Neuron), and simultaneously in multiple large scanning volumes (~1mm3) in behaving animals.


Femtonics 3x3D microscope

Out of the lab – Into the Market

The product is ready for the commercial market. We have built up new sales, marketing, and manufacturing teams to produce and export the microscope. Our customers already include Nobel-prize winners (Moser and Moser). We plan to make the software available for wider use (open source). We regularly hold plenary lectures on international conferences, international student courses, and participate in the training of future professionals (engineering, bio-engineering, physics, medical). Theses and PhD works are being prepared.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

The EU support for the 3x3D imaging project made possible the development and realization of this innovative technology. At the same time, it helped us to reach important experimental goals for our group, like measuring and photoactivate neurons/dentrites/spines in large cortical volumes of in awake, behaving animals. We increased our export and we are closer now to the first human measurements with our method. Additionally, we were awarded an ERC consolidator grant in 2016.