Technical University of Denmark

  • Beatriz OLITE profile
    Beatriz OLITE
    23 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
Category winner
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About the innovator

Research interests are centered around nano-photonics and their integration with micro/nano fluidics for new sensor and actuator technology. Focus is on optical metasurfaces and photonic crystals enabling flat optical elements and compact sensors, addressing applications within biomedical devices. The research is complemented by technology development for industrial scale manufacture of nano-photonic components.

What is the innovation

We have developed a novel technology to laser print with an ultra-high resolution of 127.000 DPI (Dots Per Inch) in both plasmonic and in high-index dielectric optical metasurfaces. These concepts were applied to demonstrate high-throughput holographic laser printing of ultra-thin optical lenses. Mass-customization (i.e. individualized properties of each copy) of ultra-thin and light-weight optical components, such as lenses, is enabled by on-demand laser-printing.

Out of the lab. Into the market

We will transform the holographic resonant nano-scale laser printing of flat optics using template dielectric meta-surfaces, developed by DTU, into a commercially attractive and sustainable business and a University spin-off. DTU has filed three international patent applications on the technology. Our early innovation activities focus on:

  1. Develop a business case
  2. Identify the market segments and needs
  3. Asses technology with end-users and
  4. Initiate a University spin-off.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Our research results on ultra high resolution laser printing optical metasurfaces are generated in the EC H2020 projects IZADI-NANO2INDUSTRY (NMP-02-2015, Project ID: 686165) and ChromaVision (FETOPEN-1-2014, Project ID: 665233) are subject for early innovation activities in H2020 FET Innovation Launchpad (H2020-FETOPEN-4-2016-2017, Project ID: 801371) DeLight - Digital Resonant Laser Printing for Mass-customization of Flat Optics.

This innovation was funded via H2020 project ChromaVision

ChromaVision web

Team behind the innovation




/futurium/en/file/laser-printer-makes-colors-without-inkLaser printer makes colors without ink