
  • Beatriz OLITE profile
    Beatriz OLITE
    23 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

Re-Compose GmbH conducts research and development in machine learning and music/sound technology. It also engages in the commercial distribution of music production software such as “I2C8” and unconventional DSP-audio-manipulation tools for sound design. Only recently, the acquired technological proficiency has begun to overlap with the development of “digital medication by sonication”, resulting in the design and implementation of health-promoting applications in clinical and nonclinical settings. For more information, please visit

Re-Compose on Facebook

What is the innovation

I2C8 is a new type of music production software to generate and experiment with chords and harmony. The plug-in for customary Digital Audio Workstations offers a unique creative experience, enabling composers to start from a simple musical idea elevating it to various levels of transformation. AI methods provide full autonomy over the creative process. The user interface shifts the user's focus from formal music theory to a more experimental flow. The first product iteration has reached market readiness.

Out of the lab. Into the market

After excessive beta testing, both with a select group of professional producers and in a following public phase, the product is currently being rolled out commercially. Pre-sales started in August 2018, indicative of a high acceptance on the market.

Please visit our product website and the project website.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

The funding allowed us to explore more innovative and experimental aspects of AI-supported music generation and state-of-the-art product development in the field of electronic music production. Communicating with and reporting to the EU also helped us structure the management workflow. The project has laid the base for further developments derived from the I2C8 core idea and we have gathered invaluable knowledge of process optimization for future developments.

This innovation was funded via H2020 project I2C8

Team behind the innovation



/futurium/en/file/i2c8-advanced-chord-sequence-generation-and-sequence-variant-explorationI2C8: Advanced chord sequence generation and sequence variant exploration
