Project EU XXI, or how to lead the AI World: Open Letter to the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Council and the Member States, the European Central and Investment Banks and 500+m Citizens

  • azamat ABDOULLAEV profile
    azamat ABDOULLAEV
    17 January 2020
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China is threatening Europe’s and America’s lead in the global AI race

China, together with Russia, is accelerating the decline of the Western-led world order.

Western countries are in need of new smart leadership at multiple levels, and today aging democracies are in need of a new vision for a high tech global society. A new generation of leaders is urgently needed - younger, smarter and technology literate, to implement the AI “moonshots” development strategies and unifying projects. Exponential growth in AI science technology leads to significant geopolitical disruption, promising to reshape the global order, bringing $ trillions and trillions to the global economy by 2030.

Meantime, the big tech AI bubbles, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft and now Google (Alphabet), make the trillion-dollar market cap club, which including Facebook are collectively worth $5 trillion.

AI for Everybody and Everything (AI4EE): Universal Artificial Intelligence


Will Europe, China, USA or AI lead the world by 2030?

As the EU has been losing the status of the world’s largest economy having the richest human, social, intellectual, physical, economic, industrial, cultural, technological, and ecological capital, it is risking to be replaced by USA and China.

Growing from a poor country to a rich and strong one, China not only has the world’s largest population and looks set to become the largest economy — it also wants to lead the world when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI).

In 2017, the Communist Party of China set 2030 as the deadline for this ambitious AI goal, and, to get there, it laid out a bevy of milestones to reach by 2020. These include making significant contributions to fundamental research, being a favoured destination for the world’s brightest talents and having an AI industry that rivals global leaders in the field.

The initiative unveiled in 2017, known as the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, has spurred myriad policies and billions of dollars of investment in research and development from ministries, provincial governments and private companies.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) has become new focus of international economy, new engine of economic development and new opportunity of social development. To seize the major strategic opportunity brought by AI development, build up our AI fi rst mover advantage and speed up building innovation-driven and globally advanced science and technology country, we formulated this plan according to deployment requirements of the Central Government and the State Council”.

Strategic Goals

Step 1 By 2020 overall AI technology and application reach globally advanced level. AI industry becomes new economic growth point. AI technological application becomes new approach to improving people’s livelihood to support our goal in becoming an innovation-driven country and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Step 2 By 2025 AI basic theory makes breakthroughs. AI technology and application reach globally advanced level. AI becomes a major driving force for industrial upgrade and economic restructuring. Building an intelligence society makes progress.

Step 3 By 2030 AI theory, technology and application reach globally advanced level. China becomes global AI innovation center. Intelligence economy and society make marked progress, laying a solid foundation for becoming an innovation-driven and economically powerful country.

Will China lead the world in AI by 2030, 

 Prospects for sustaining global competitiveness are now directly tied to the industrialization of AI. AI and machine learning are predicted to reshape manufacturing, energy management, urban transportation, agricultural production, labor markets, and financial management. Governments that can successfully cultivate a culture of disruptive innovation will be strategically positioned to lead in the twenty-first century. By contrast, governments that resist AI will find themselves facing a daunting future.                                                                                       

EU 2021-2027: the MFF structure as a political statement of EU priorities

Here are issues at stake in the debate on the 2021-2027 MFF: the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Member States


There should be a 'significant increase' in the EU's budget for a 'stronger and more ambitious Europe', with MFF expenditure ceilings increased to 1.3 % of EU-27 GNI (not including instruments outside MFF ceilings).


Proposal amounts to €1 134 583, which is an estimated 1.11 % of the EU-27's GNI in commitment appropriations. This can be seen as bigger or smaller than the current MFF, depending on perspective.


Dutch, Swedish, Austrian and Danish governments want a smaller MFF.

Finnish government prefers a stable MFF.

Irish, German and French governments would countenance a larger MFF.

Portugal would support an MFF of 1.2 % of EU GNI.

Latvia is in favour of increasing contributions rather than making deep cuts.

Czech Republic and Romania support an MFF of 1 % of GNI, but are ready to discuss a bigger MFF.

Greece wants a similar-sized MFF, if not bigger.

Denmark supports an expenditure ceiling of 1 % of EU-27 GNI.

Image result for –Commission proposal for the 2021-2027 MFF          

The Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) determines the budget spending of the EU for a period of at least five years. The current MFF which ran from 2014 to 2020 is coming to an end. The EU institutions and Member States are elaborating the new MFF for the period of seven years, from 2021 to 2027.

The procedure of establishing the MFF starts with:

1. A proposal by the European Commission is put on the table, that sets out the regulation laying down the MFF (the headings, instruments, structure, legal basis)

2. This proposal must be adopted by the Council of Ministers by unanimity, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Formally, the MFF is approved by a unanimous decision of the Council of Ministers with the Parliament having to also give consent.
The new budget will enter into force in January 2021 for a period of 7 years, until 2027.

Time to decide on the Union’s financial framework for 2021-2027     

2014-2020 MFF vs 2021-2027 MFF

The MFF structure is a political statement of EU priorities. The European Commission has proposed a 2021-2027 MFF totalling €1 134 583 million in commitments and €1 104 805 million in payments (2018 prices). The proposed commitments are equivalent to 1.11 %, and the proposed payments to 1.08 % of the EU-27's GNI.

The titles chosen by the Commission for different headings show a move away the high objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, such as 'smart and inclusive growth', towards less ambitious EU priorities, such as the digital economy, migration, border management and defence, as tabled below:

1. Smart and Inclusive Growth 47.2 % 1. Single market, innovation and digital 14.7 %

1a: Competitiveness for growth and jobs 13 % vs. 2. Cohesion and values 34.5 %

1b: Economic, social and territorial cohesion 34.2 % and 2. Sustainable growth: Natural resources 38.6 % vs 3. Natural resources and environment 29.7 %

3. Security and citizenship 1.6 % vs. 4. Migration and border management 2.7 % and 5. Security and defence 2.1 %

4. Global Europe 6.1 % vs. 6. Neighbourhood and the world 9.6 %

5. Administration Compensations 6.4 % < 1 % vs 7. European public Administration

Source: EPRS, 2014-2020 MFF based on European Commission data.                 &nbsp;

Cohesion Policy and ESI Funds in 2021-2027

The European Commission (EC) issued the new Common Provisions Regulation (CPR), constituting the legal framework for EU funds in the upcoming programming period. The proposed CPR aims to moderately redesign the whole policy, by taking into account the “lessons learnt” from the previous programming period and by introducing new features to facilitate final beneficiaries. The Juncker Commission accordingly recommended the allocation of €330 billion for the 2021-2027 programming period into the ESI Funds financial framework, alongside with a reform project for the design of the whole policy, aiming at reducing the administrative burden and conceding more flexibility to beneficiaries in the use of funds.                                                                                                       

  • Thematic Objectives 

Thematic Objectives (TOs)[3]shall be reduced in number, from 11 to 5 (Paragraph 5, Title II proposed CPR). The new policy objectives shall now concern:

  1. Smart Europe (innovation, digitalisation, support for SMEs) ;
  2. Green Europe (carbon free economy, implementation of the Paris Agreement, renewables…);
  3. Connected Europe (strategic transports and digital networks);
  4. Social Europe (social rights, quality employment, education, social inclusion…);
  5. Citizens’ Europe (supporting locally-led development strategies, urban development…).

According to the EC’s forecasts, a thinner framework of TOs shall lead to better-channeled investments. Between 65 % and 85 % of the funds shall be allocated from each Member State in TO 1 and TO 2, and at least the 25 % of these shall be specifically directed to climate action[4].

A strong focus is given to local projects, through the implementation of

The InvestEU is expected to mobilise at least €650 billion in additional investment between 2021 and 2027. The InvestEU Fund will support four main policy areas: sustainable infrastructure; research, innovation and digitisation; small and medium businesses; and social investment and skills. €330 billion goes to Regional Development and Cohesion Policy, with Five main objectives to drive as below.

Smarter Europe, through innovation, digitisation, economic transformation and support to small and medium-sized businesses

a Greener, carbon free Europe, implementing the Paris Agreement and investing in energy transition, renewables and the fight against climate change

a more Connected Europe, with strategic transport and digital networks

a more Social Europe, delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights and supporting quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion and equal access to healthcare

a Europe closer to citizens, by supporting locally-led development strategies and sustainable urban development across the EU.

It is all to be led by the Smart and Green EU Planning, as expressed by


2. Regional Development and Cohesion Policy beyond 2020, with five investment priorities in objectives will drive EU investments in 2021-2027:

Regional development investments will strongly focus on objectives 1 and 2. 65% to 85% of ERDF and Cohesion Fund resources will be allocated to these priorities, depending on Member States’ relative wealth.

The Europe the world needs

One of our key priorities is to promote the EU global image/brand as a Smart, Green and Social Europe: I-EUROPE XXI as the intelligent and innovative, healthy and wealthy, livable and efficient, moral and fair, smart and sustainable UNION.

All 5 Thematic Objectives are in line with Project EU XXI, its strategic missions and visions, as well as innovative trademarks:

Smart(er) Europe™, Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green(er) Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

One of the objectives of the Project EU XXI is to initiate the I-EUROPE Platform enabling smart transnational circulation of knowledge, ideas, people, goods, services, and capital.

Project EU XXI implies a strategic partnership of the European Parliament, Commission, Council and the Member States, the European Central and Investment Banks and European Citizens.

Such total smart governing in total partnership enables the Smart and Green and Social EU investment project developments at European, national and regional level, as below:  

  • Smart Green Social Europe Plan Development
  • I-EU Techno-Social Cyber-Platform
  • Smart Green Social Member States, from Smart Germany and Smart UK to Smart Green Cyprus and Smart Montenegro
  • Smart Green Social Cities and Eco Communities,
  • Green Energy, Sustainable Tourism, Green Real Estate, Smart Shipping, Smart Transportation, Intelligent Infrastructure, Smart Government, Smart Education, Smart Health, Smart Work, and Smart Life.
  • Smart Green Social European Capital Cities
  • Smart Green Social Brussels
  • Smart Green Social Berlin
  • Smart Green Social London
  • Smart Green Social Paris
  • Smart Green Social Rome
  • Smart Green Social Madrid…

It is all well aligned with the EC’s strategy, the European Green Deal, and Regional Development and Cohesion Policy 2021-2027, with its five investment priorities.

Partners from Civil and Research Society

Futurium Groups

European AI Alliance

European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)

Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC)

Academic-industry partnerships

Public- Public Partnerships (P2Ps) in research and innovation

EUROCITIES, the network of major European cities

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities

European citizens


Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

Smart EU investments in 2021-2027: Project EU XXI: Smart(er) Europe™, Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green(er) Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

Smart Europe,

If Europe could lead the future AI world?

Project Germany XXI: Intelligent Germany, i-Germany Platform: Smart, Green and Inclusive Germany, Britain: UK Smart Cities and i-Britain Platform: Inclusive, Intelligent, Interconnected and Innovative Nation, Green Cyprus, Montenegro, XXI

Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

Smart Europe

I-Europe as the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

No AI, No Horizon: Why EU needs Smart Europe Partnership for AI and ML, Robotics and Automation, Smart Cities and Green Communities;

I-Europe as the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (AI)