If Europe Needs AI Governments, or Why an I-Europe Platform?

  • azamat ABDOULLAEV profile
    azamat ABDOULLAEV
    31 August 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1

More and more people are asking today: Should the government be run by artificial intelligence? 

The question is motivated with an increasing understanding: most problems we have on our Mother-Earth, from local poverty to global risks, created by …non-intelligent governments, all failing to follow “the good governance principle”, at local, national, transnational or global levels.

Participation, Representation, Fair Conduct of Elections


Efficiency and Effectiveness

Openness and Transparency

Rule of Law

Ethical Conduct

Competence and Capacity

Innovation and Openness to Change

Sustainability and Long-term Orientation

Sound Financial Management

Human rights, Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion


Most of the GGPs are just declared, like Responsiveness: “Objectives, rules, structures, and procedures are adapted to the legitimate expectations and needs of citizens. Public services are delivered, and requests and complaints are responded to within a reasonable timeframe”.

Or, Competence and Capacity: “The professional skills of those who deliver governance are continuously maintained and strengthened in order to improve their output and impact. Public officials are motivated to continuously improve their performance. Practical methods and procedures are created and used in order to transform skills into capacity and to produce better results”.

12 Principles of Good Governance and European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) 


So, the government SHOULD and MUST be run by AI…for its best performance and highest efficiency.

Some good arguments follow.

What is a traditional Government?

The first to be replaced by AI is the government, which is typically defined as follows:

“A group of people that governs a community or unit. It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state. A government can be classified into many types--democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, and dictatorship are just a few”. Do you know this term?

“A government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary. Government is a means by which organizational policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining policy. Each government has a kind of constitution, a statement of its governing principles and philosophy. Typically the philosophy chosen is some balance between the principle of individual freedom and the idea of absolute state authority (tyranny).

While all types of organizations have governance, the word government is often used more specifically to refer to the approximately 200 independent national governments on Earth, as well as subsidiary organizations.

Historically prevalent forms of government include monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy and tyranny. The main aspect of any philosophy of government is how political power is obtained, with the two main forms being electoral contest and hereditary succession.

Libertarianism and anarchism are political ideologies that seeks to limit or abolish government, finding government disruptive to self organization and freedom”. Government - Wikipedia

What is an AI Government?

It is rather simple to create an AI government; for state officials and government workers have to strictly follow a set of rules and regulations— a policy or set of procedures — liable to smart algorithms and intelligent automation.

AI/ML/DL programs are better, cheaper, faster, fairer and preciser than any government officer at tasks that involve lots of data, complicated calculations, or repetitive tasks with clear rules and policies.

The AI-Gov topic is under study and development as:

  • e-government, or digital government
  • smart government, as from Smart Nation Singapore to the Smart Dubai initiative (https://www.smartdubai.ae/)
  • i-government, Intelligent Eco Russia, http://www.worldxxi.com
  • AI government
  • Global AI Global World Government

Many governments have been already governed by i-government systems, evolving from digital E-Governments to Intelligent Governments.

It makes a big share in the AI industry, involving big-tech and big consulting companies as

Huawei, Digital Government, Intelligent Government

Oracle, State and Local Government Solutions

SAP, Intelligent Government

Intelligent Automation in Government

How artificial intelligence could transform government

How can AI help government improve? -- GCN

Moreover, there is the whole AI World Government forum to educate and inform public sector agencies on the strategic and tactical benefits of deploying AI and cognitive technologies... and “gathering leaders from across government, technology innovation, business and research to present the state of the practice and state of the technology to assist the public sector in leveraging advanced intelligent technologies to enhance government services. ” https://www.aiworldgov.com/

“E-government” transformation initiatives are happening worldwide. Trillions of dollars and millions of hours have been spent to fix government data collection systems, move to electronic forms, and establish Internet portals that are available 24/7.

How Governments' Intelligent Systems Reflect The Needs Of Citizens

Here are some examples of how AI/ML/D/ contributes to public policy objectives.

  • filtering state officials and government workers as to expertise, skills, competency,
  • knowledge and integrity, or meritocratic principles;
  • receiving employment benefits at job loss, retirement, bereavement, child birth, immediately, in an automated way;
  • classifying emergency calls based on their urgency;
  • detecting and preventing the spread of diseases;
  • assisting public servants in making welfare payments and immigration decisions;
  • adjudicating bail hearings;
  • triaging health care cases;
  • monitoring social media for public feedback on policies;
  • monitoring social media to identify emergency situations;
  • identifying fraudulent benefits claims;
  • predicting a crime and recommending optimal police presence;
  • predicting traffic congestion and car accidents;
  • anticipating road maintenance requirements;
  • identifying breaches of health regulations;
  • providing personalised education to students; marking exam papers;
  • monitoring/counting utility (electricity/water/waste/communications) bills;
  • plan new infrastructure projects;
  • assisting with defence and national security.

How AI Could Help the Public Sector


Regular surveys of trust in government, including by the OECD and Edelman, show that trust in government is low and consistently falling due to political corruption, incompetency and red tape bureaucracy.

AI programs can make our government services faster, fairer and more personalized.

The work of state officials and public servants can be done in no time by AI systems, so the society might reduce a government, its staff numbers, and return money saved to taxpayers — and I am not sure that any governments will pursue that smart option.

My concern has been always the same, how to make Europe the leading Smart Soft Superpower, saving the world from the ambitious Smart Hard Superpowers, as China, Russia and US.

If Europe could lead the future AI world? - Digital Single Market - European Commission

How did we try to make intelligent EU for 10 years?

In 2009, the consortium I-Europe proposed to the EU presidents the I-Europe concept as a transnational development strategy.

A couple of EU presidents took our key points while following some influential German political industrial groups. So I-Europe re-emerged as:

E U R O P E 2 0 2 0; A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth


Our following proposals to the EC presidents to test replacing its key staff by AI algorithms, optimizing its governance structure, Smart Europe, had been suspended for 5 years now. i-Europe, https://www.slideshare.net/ashabook/ieurope

https://www.slideshare.net/ashabook/smart-green-europe; Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green…

Instead, they are plagiarizing your concept, deforming it to the worst, monetizing to their own benefits: Banks give €1 billion to build “Smart Europe”/Investors and the banking community have agreed to pour €1 billion into the modernisation and digitalisation of Europe, Committee of the Regions President Markku Markkula said today. Banks give €1 billion to build "Smart Europe"


We all might be very glad that the EIB is investing in the best ideas. But it is wiser to trust the public finances to the originators of the best ‘Big Ideas’, instead of the Jeremy Rifkin-like people. It is a mental crime to downgrade a smart/intelligent, green/ecological, social/inclusive, or all-sustainable Europe, just as focusing on “new communication technologies, new sources of energy and new modes of mobility to move economic activity”. 

SMART EUROPE,  https://www.eib.org/attachments/country/smart_europe_en.pdf

In fact, there is coming a Global AI Internet integrating the IoT/Big Data into the Social Networks Internet, Communication Internet, Energy Internet, Mobility Internet, Urban Internet, Government Internet, Industrial Internet, Sky Internet, etc.

And this is another good reason for the AI Government.

Who still in doubt of single I-Europe Platform, just look how many fragmented unconnected Futurium Groups:

Urban Agenda for the EU

Simplify ESIF

WiFi4EU Community


Declaration on Gender Balanced Company Culture


eIDAS Observatory

Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI


European Media Literacy Events

Implementing the Digitising European Industry actions

EU-AU Digital Economy Task Force

EU-wide platform for CAM

Innovation Radar Prize

Open Public Review


CONNECT University

Boosting EU border regions

European AI Alliance

EU Observatory on the online Platform Economy


Again, how many members of EU AI Alliance are aware of the AI4EU project.

"The European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence project, which seeks to develop a European AI ecosystem, bringing together the knowledge, algorithms, tools and resources available and making it a compelling solution for users. Involving 80 partners, covering 21 countries, the €20m project kicked off in January 2019 and will run for three years. AI4EU will unify Europe’s Artificial Intelligence community. It will facilitate collective work in AI research, innovation and business in Europe. By sharing AI expertise, knowledge and tools with the Platform, AI4EU will make AI available to all". 


And this is never has been discussed here, while promising "to unify Europe’s Artificial Intelligence community". Then what is the use of European AI Alliance, just a proforma?

What is nonsensical, just how the EC could waste EURO 20 million for something lacking any consistent description?


It is another good reason why the EU is in an urgent need of Smart Europe Government at all levels, local, national and transnational.

Original resources

Keynote: "A Smart World: A Development Model for Intelligent Cities"

The First GLOBAL AI Company: EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems ltd


