EU-China Strategy outlook by EU Commission. What it got for an AI?

  • Kai Salmela profile
    Kai Salmela
    20 March 2019
    Total votes: 0

This is welcome agenda:

There has been a lot of discussion if EU companies can do business with the China at all, and this discussion has been poisonous to various companies within EU and hurted for example AI development efforts between these continents.   I hope that commission views will make the change in the public climate and we really can start effortless co-operation without forgetting our values or Chinese values.


In that point in mind - i'd like to remind everyone of the coming event:


This is really a great opportunity to EU companies and EU DIH's to see what is going on and jump in to this development that will change this world eventually. 


More info from pages.

wbr Kai Salmela