Sino-European Digital Innovative Cooperative Symposium from 20th to 21st May 2019.

  • Kai Salmela profile
    Kai Salmela
    22 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 3
Date & time: 
Monday, 20 May, 2019 - 07:30 to Tuesday, 21 May, 2019 - 20:30
Ningbo, China
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In Ningbo, the pilot city of Made in China 2025 on 20th and 21st of May.

The Made in China 2025 (MiC2025) programme is a national development programme of China. The collaboration between Robocoast DIH, USF Platform and the city of Ningbo Haishu is strategic and innovative. We can offer a transparent two-way gateway between Europe and China.

The SEDIC Symposium is an arena for MiC 2025 programme to present its unique possibilities to benefit from Chinese government policies and development programs offered for Digital innovation Hubs, European companies and other organisations in order to solve the modernization cases in China. These possibilities cover widely the businesses for example industrial modernization, service sector development, health technology, AI are the themes of the Symposium.

For the European companies and organisations the SEDIC Symposium is an arena for pitching the expertise and problem solving skills. In the Symposium a set of challenges is launched which offer possibilities to grow business in China with support of the Ministry of Science and Technology from the central government of the People's Republic of China. For the companies of Ningbo the Symposium is an arena for presenting their development plans for the future. Robocoast and USF platform act as facilitators and offer supporting services free of charge for European companies and organisations. 

The goal of the Symposium is to initiate close co-operation in the modernization projects of the Chinese industry and find new partners for the Robocoast, USF platform, Ningbo companies and Made in China 2025 collaboration. 

More information and the confirmation of the participation to Mikko Puputti, Director of Robocoast, or Pauliina Harrivaara, Liaison Manager of Robocoast,


Schedule 20th of May 2019, Day 1 

Opening Ceremony 

Coffee break 

High level discussion 


Inspiring Key Note Speakers 

High level officials – Europe and China 

Digital Innovation Companies Point of View 

Coffee break 

Introduction of Challenge themes highlighting the opportunities that the Robocoast and MiC2025 can offer 



Schedule 21st of May 2019, Day 2 

Field visits and new challenge launch (industry 4.0, health tech, Robotics, AI) 


Field visits continues 


Conclusion and discussion 

Fairwell dinner