Stakeholder Consultation on Guidelines' first draft

A first draft of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI was published in December 2018. Following further deliberations by the group in light of discussions on the European AI Alliance, a stakeholder consultation and meetings with representatives from Member States, the Guidelines were revised and published in April 2019. The AI HLEG wishes to explicitly and warmly thank all those who contributed their feedback on the Guidelines’ first draft.


Network of individuals representing a consultation process

The consultation gathered comments from more than 500 contributors. Overall, stakeholders welcomed the practical nature of the Guidelines, and the fact that they offer concrete guidance for developers, deployers and users of AI on how to ensure the technology’s trustworthiness.

In addition to the full set of feedback available here below, the AI HLEG also prepared a summary of the main feedback received, and the manner in which this was incorporated into the revised version of the Guidelines.

The draft Guidelines were also welcomed by Member States in their Competitiveness Council’s conclusions.


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