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  • Evidence

    EUROCHAMBRES priorities for the Digital Single Market

    EUROCHAMBRES President, Richard Weber, met Vice-President Ansip in February 2015. President Weber's follow-up letter highlights notably: 1. The need to re-evaluate a wide range of existing...

  • Idea

    Let's start from here... "Does it make sense to you?" The question is not how to make the EU more technological. It's about how to make the EU more humane again and simple. There is nothing more...

  • Evidence

    The Economic Impact of Digital Structural Reforms

    This work aims to contribute to the policy debate on how to spur "digital growth" in Europe in the context of the crisis, by assessing the potential economic impact of structural reforms efforts...

  • Evidence

    Mapping the cost of Non-Europe, 2014-19

    This study embodies work-in-progress on a long-term project being undertaken by the Parliament’s European Added Value Unit, in conjunction with the office of the Secretary-General and the...

  • Evidence

    Digital Transformation of European Industry and Enterprises

    The report presents the new business opportunities that have resulted from advanced digital technologies, identifies key challenges for Europe, and provides thirteen recommendations to help promote...

  • Evidence

    The need of EU support for Digital Radio

    The Digitisation of Radio would address the future needs of listeners and provide an economic boost for EU industry. The European Commission can make a positive contribution by: -Including Digital...

  • Evidence

    Annual Growth Survey 2015

    In this Annual Growth Survey for 2015, the Commission which took office on 1 November 2014 outlines the main features of its new jobs and growth agenda. Reviving growth can only be achieved if the EU...

  • Idea

    As a European you can be a Dutchmen with a Portuguese father and Spanish mother, that grew up in Holland decides to go live in the France once you get older. This is awesome! This is what Europe is...

  • Evidence

    EuroGeographics: The importance of dependable geospatial information

    - A common understanding of location is vital to connecting Europe - That in turn requires dependable geospatial information and a shared location framework - The INSPIRE Directive has already established the ground rules for a European Spatial Data Infrastructure created by the Member States - Now the European Location Framework project is developing a cloud-based platform of harmonised INSPIRE-compliant national geospatial information - The Commission’s forthcoming Digital Single Market Strategy can help to ensure that geospatial information is able to play its full part in the Digital Single Market

  • Idea

    New payment apps designed for release by currency-issuing governments that enable users to automate payments such as taxes, interest expenses, and dividends are now available. Automated cash-...
