Prohibit GEO-restrictions within Europe

  • Giovanni da Cruz profile
    Giovanni da Cruz
    20 April 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

As a European you can be a Dutchmen with a Portuguese father and Spanish mother, that grew up in Holland decides to go live in the France once you get older. This is awesome! This is what Europe is all about. However, you can´t enjoy the entertainment from other European countries. Once you reside in the France, you can´t watch Dutch news anymore, nor watch the Spanish Telecinco, nor signup for Napster (UK/DE/ES only). This is due to licensing deals that companies have. I believe these deals are 100% the opposite of what Europe stands for. Therefor I believe all geo-restrictions should be prohibited within Europe. If a company has the right to transmit it to 1 European, it should be able to transmit it to all other Europeans too and it shouldn´t matter where in Europe you are at that moment. So for example.. If you want to watch the FIFA worldcup, with German commentators but you are currently in Italy, and there is a free/open German stream, it should be accessible from anywhere within Europe.