EUROCITIES Interview: Mika Rantakokko from Oulu

  • Elisa - Communi... profile
    Elisa - Communi...
    24 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

Interview with Mika Rantakokko from the Digital Transition partnership for the Urban Agenda, courtesy of EUROCITIES (subscriber version):


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Partnership on Digital Transition

What was the added value of coordinating the UA partnership? Were your expectations met?

The coordination role for the Digital Transition Partnership has given me an excellent opportunity to collaborate with Europe’s leading cities, member states and institutions in the field of digitalisation. It has also been great to be involved in setting up the European digitalisation and smart city agenda. The collaboration has met all my expectations, while being able to set up a excellent network and see first concrete outcomes.

What future possibilities do you see for developing this?

It would be a pity to stop the collaboration at the end of this year. I would like to see the partnership continue the collaboration, as part of the next stage of the Urban Agenda partnership.