Partnership on Culture & Cultural Heritage: Cultural heritage as a resource and an opportunity for urban development



Promoting culture and preserving the quality of the urban landscape and heritage is not an objective in itself. Yet it also is a powerful tool aimed at achieving social, ecological and economic goals: A high-quality natural and built heritage contributes to the formation of:

  • more sustainable and inclusive societies respectful of cultural diversity,
  • social equity and cohesion,
  • individual and community well-being and, - last but not least –
  • a stronger economic performance and higher quality of life.

Thus, awareness of the cultural heritage in our cities should be a priority at local and European levels in order to develop new ways to protect and promote our common cultural values and identities. The Partnership on Culture & Cultural Heritage consists of 30 multi-level members and is coordinated by Germany (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community) and Italy (Italian Agency for the Territorial Cohesion, jointly with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities). You may find a list of the Partners on the Members page.

The Partnership held its kick-off meeting in Berlin in February 2019, and subsequent meetings in Brussels, Porto, Rome and the Canary Islands, among others, will foster an intense exchange among the Partners. In the fall of 2019, the Partnership completed its Orientation Paper (available here), in which it outlined its five main topics:

  1. Cultural Tourism
  2. Creative and Cultural Sectors
  3. Transformation, Adaptive Reuse and Urban Reconversion
  4. Financial Sustainability and Funding
  5. Resilience of Cultural and Natural Heritage

as well as two crosscutting topics:

  1. Integrated and Interdisciplinary Approaches for Governance and
  2. Cultural Services and Culture for Inclusive Cities.


In November 2020, the Partnership published its Action plan aimed at smoothing the implementation of the existing EU strategies in and for cities, as well as allowing them to express their needs at EU-level.  

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