Looking back on the 2nd meeting of the Partnership on Urban Mobility, 3 May 2017, Brussels

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    23 May 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The Partnership on Urban Mobility, coordinated by the City of Karlsruhe and the Czech Republic, is continuing its multi-level and multi-stakeholder endeavour of identifying ways to improve regulation, funding and knowledge exchange on urban mobility in Europe.

For the first time since the kick-off meeting held in Prague in February 2017, the more than 20 Partnership members met to discuss organisational and content-related issues and to take steps towards the identification of concrete actions. 


Partners in the Urban Mobility Partnership discuss in Brussels


The partners gathered in thematic groups to explore relevant sub-topics, enabling the implementation-oriented dealing with the complex theme of urban mobility. The discussed sub-topics were: active modes of transport, innovative solutions and smart mobility, public transport and multi-modality, and the cross-cutting issue of governance.

The partners’ work on these issues will inform the final Orientation Paper of the Partnership, giving it a clear thematic and strategic direction for the months to come. 

For 14 June 2017, the next Partnership meeting is scheduled. It will take place in the context of the 11th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy in Hamburg, Germany.