Improving online government services for low skilled adult users

  • Edo Plantinga profile
    Edo Plantinga
    30 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

We propose to improve the quality and usability of online governmental services (eg. filing your taxes online) by using the real world feedback of low skilled adults that use these services. To gather this feedback, we would like to cooperate with teachers that work with these low skilled adults on a daily basis. The main challenge is to not only gather this feedback, but to make sure that it reaches the designers and developers that can make the necessary improvements. Therefore we propose a cooperation between the organisations that teach low skilled adults (Digisterker, Seniorweb and others) and a network of professionals that work for the online government (Gebruiker Centraal). We invite other organizations within the EU to work with us.


We have written a project proposal for this. I am new to interaction with the EU like this, so forgive me if this is nog the right place to post this proposal.