ICT role in water governance and legislation (Deadline 31/05)

  • Gabriel Anzaldi profile
    Gabriel Anzaldi
    18 April 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
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  • ICT4Water Cluster

Assurance of Water Directives

Major role of digital solutions is to ensure water directives for water resource management (integrated management), water quality assurance, water recycling and nutrient recovery. What is your opinion about the digital technologies to be adopted towards 2025 (e.g. early warning systems to ensure WFD or NIF within water infrastructure)? What strategy do you consider for the suitable adoption?

Risk Management Technologies for water infrastructure protection

One of the main challenged problems in water and wastewater distribution is the delivered water contamination and undesirable manipulation of water. What is your opinion about systemic risk management tools? Which technology will incorporate to enhance water critical infrastructure protection?

Stakeholder engagement towards enhanced water governance

Water is a fragmented domain where decision-making responsibilities in some cases are overlapped or unclear. Moreover, some decisions made by some stakeholder at certain level of the distribution chain (i. e.), affects the others. Towards a more integrated decision-making, the trend is to engage the different stakeholders. In this line, innovative tools have been elaborated to exchange knowledge, aware society (citizens’ science, social analytics, etc), etc. Do you think these technologies are helpful to provide engagement to long-term and make water domain more integrated? What technology do you consider as more promising in this way?

Policy Management towards ICT-standardization

Do you think local governments are putting enough efforts in assuring the accomplishment of water directives, ICT-standards and water data management mechanisms? Should they force (or at least promote) some concrete ICT-standards or allow each agency to choose their management procedures?