Circular Economy Orientation paper

  • Cristina (Commu... profile
    Cristina (Commu...
    18 April 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Partnership on Circular Economy
Year of publication: 

Approved Orientation Paper of the Partnership on Circular Economy, endorsed at the DG UM meeting held on 4 April 2017.

The partnership on circular economy will potentially look into the whole circle, starting with the extraction of raw material, design, production, transportation, consumption and finally the waste recycling with residues for final disposal. 


However, given time and resources constraints, this scope has to be limited, and the partnership should focus on the steps of the circle most relevant to cities and where cities have a potential to influence. To choose among several potential topics and actions, the following set of criteria will function as guidelines and assist in the screening and evaluation of potential topics and actions:

 Cities’ needs – the urban dimension clearly reflect cities’ needs.

 Fit the concept of the Circular Economy – as put forward by the Commission in the Circular Economy Package on 02.12.2015.

 Potential for improvement – give the greatest potential for improvements in relation to better regulation, better funding and better knowledge.

 Reality check – are feasible and can be realistically implemented. 

 Expertise – is it possible for the partnership to mobilise the necessary expertise needed.

 Added value – that add-value unique to this partnership, and cannot, or are not, being undertaken easily by other partnerships/initiatives, stakeholders etc.

To date many initiatives are underway that relate to the urban dimension of the circular economy. Commission initiatives, research projects, conferences and seminars are producing a huge amount of information. To identify and extract the relevant knowledge from these initiatives will be crucial for a successful outcome and Action Plan from the Partnership.