Broadband Mobile and coverage mobile at the Sea. Digital Single Market to Blue growth.

  • Ramon Codina profile
    Ramon Codina
    27 February 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 5


The Communications Maritime Hub is the first initiative of the Mobile Maritime Hub 2009-2050. Which was published in 2013 in the European Digital Agenda FUTURIUM  in the following URL:

Thanks to the work and effort of different people and government agencies since 2013 we could to promote the first pilot test worldwide  mobile coverage and mobile broadband at the sea on the coast of Tarragona, in August to October 2014. We've getting positive results and letters of gratitude of seafarers who benefited from the first experiment worldwide.

Connecting Europe Facility in the Coast Maritime Zone is  our contribution to the blue economy in the Digital Agenda for Europe.  Connecting people and maritime society and promote the Digital inclusion  (fishermen and maritime community). We've introduced the use of mobile coverage and mobile broadband at the sea (like an extension of the Digital Single Market at the sea) into the Exclusive Economic Zone.

The initiative Mobile Maritime Hub covers the period 2009-2050 and the first infrastructure initiative Communications  Maritime Hub is now in the initial phase.
Actually we have patented the communications model and this new infrastructure and registered, we have the first pilot project test  worldwide with  mobile coverage and mobile broadband at the sea with positive results.

Now, we are looking for private investment (in the model of public-private partnership PPP), period 2009-2020 to promote (mobile broadband and mobile coverage at the sea) and promoting access and connectivity in the blue economy.

For any clarification or comment on the initiative Mobile Maritime Hub or to invest not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully.

I appreciate your attention and interest.

Ramon Codina



The Mobile Maritime Hub 2009-2050 is an strategic plan that started in 2009, in Vilanova i La Geltrú, a coastal town, to promote maritime, nautical, fishing and scientific activities in a seaside region, by a properly use of the technological tools existing in that area, with the aim of drawing talent and value to that region. The main idea is to consider the Maritime Sector as a unit, obtaining different synergies, to promote social and economic development in the region.

The aim of this plan is to achieve funds of different European Union projects, to promote maritime, nautical and fishing activities, in accordance with and being part of the so called blue economy.

At the end of 2013, we realized that, to carry out this strategic plan, it was 
required to create new telecommunication infrastructures. At this point, we
 develop a new project, the Communications Maritime Hub.

As the project was created in the context of an specific implementation, 
defined by the aims of the initial plan, it was designed to be set up in the
 Occidental Mediterranean coast, from Portbou till Amposta. However, it is 
possible to implement the hub model without modifications throughout the 
Mediterranean coast, including Gibraltar and the Balearic Islands. The
 considered physics variables, flows, tides, swells, wind's speed and sea's
 depth in the operation area are considered in the current project.
The implementation in other maritime zones, lakes or rivers requires to adapt
 the hub model to the physics determinant factors of the installation place.

Will be developed, the month of August 2014, the first pilot tests of these new international maritime communications infrastructure, anchored in the Mediterranean Sea, near the port petrochemical complex located in Tarragona (Spain). On this first international pilot test, we'll cover since the Mediterranean sea, 3G Mobile spectrum on a UNESCO  Zone, the Ebro Delta, in Southern Catalonia, UNESCO added this zone to its Biosphere Reserve network. During the month of July, we´ll invite the authorities,  companies and citizens interested in these new infrastructure worldwide communications maritime for Smart Maritime Cities (Smart Cities + Smart Port + Smart Sea), patented model and registered.