
  • Idea

    ECTA CEOs welcome the Digital Single Market Strategy What ambition for Europe’s Digital Single Market? To be the best of the best: high speeds, affordability, innovation and real choice for all...

  • Idea

    Technology expands the human possibilities of the connected world and so the EU’s Single Market must go digital, with high-speed networks as the backbone, to support transformation of the EU...

  • Evidence

    EuroGeographics: The importance of dependable geospatial information

    - A common understanding of location is vital to connecting Europe - That in turn requires dependable geospatial information and a shared location framework - The INSPIRE Directive has already established the ground rules for a European Spatial Data Infrastructure created by the Member States - Now the European Location Framework project is developing a cloud-based platform of harmonised INSPIRE-compliant national geospatial information - The Commission’s forthcoming Digital Single Market Strategy can help to ensure that geospatial information is able to play its full part in the Digital Single Market

  • Idea

    BITKOM, the German Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media, considers the completion of the Digital Single Market the key area of action to trigger growth,...

  • Idea

    Total cost per end user should be the evaluation criteria Developing and deploying broadband infrastructural projects in deep rural areas since 2007, we had to learn many things. The most important...

  • Idea

    Policy towards the Internet and the Digital Single Market will be key to modernising the industrial, social and democratic fabric of Europe. The Computer & Communications Industry Association (...

  • Idea

    The Confederation of Swedish Entreprises : Practically every sector and part of the economy are presently re-structured due to the development of the digital economy. This process also changes the...

  • Evidence

    GSMA DSM Contribution

    The GSMA believes that the Commission's priorities for the Digital Single Market Strategy should recognise the need for urgency in revising the electronic communications regulatory framework, that it...