• Riikka Pohjankoski profile
    Riikka Pohjankoski
    3 May 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 22 May, 2018 - 12:00 to 13:45
VLEEVA Auditorium
Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
71 Kortenberglaan
1000 Brussels

Due to the high concentration of people, infrastructure and economic activity, cities are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as heat waves and flash floods. In addition, dense concentrations of impervious artificial surfaces, such as buildings, roads, and pavements – typical of urban areas – tend to amplify climate extremes, and hence costs.

Given this vulnerability, it is clear that cities are in need of tailor-made urban climate information that accounts for their particular physical and socio-economic characteristics so as to assist decision-making at local government level. 

Cities have a unique opportunity to use advanced climate services to become greener, safer and to enhance the quality of life of their inhabitants. 

This two-hour event, organised within the framework of the H2020 project Climate-Fit, will showcase how three urban sectors – urban planning, active mobility and emergency management – benefit from tailored urban climate services and facilitate the (eco)design of intelligent cities. 

Speakers include urban climate information providers and users (city planners) as well as EU and national decision-makers. 

Cities, regions, businesses and EU officials are invited to discuss and challenge the market potential of urban climate services while learning about their benefits.

A detailed programme is available on the event’s website:

The event is free of charge. 

Lunch will be served before the event from 12:00. 


Register using the registration form available on the Climate-Fit website and discover the opportunities climate services present for your city! 


The event is an official partner event of the EU Green Week taking place from 21 to 25 May. The theme for this year is Green Cities for a Greener Future

If you have any questions, please contact us at