Issues and mapping paper on Indicators for circular economy transitions in cities

  • Håkon Jentoft profile
    Håkon Jentoft
    28 May 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1
Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy
Year of publication: 

This Issues and mapping paper on indicators for circular economy (CE) transition in cities was developed under the framework of the Urban Agenda and the Partnership on Circular Economy. This fourth version of the paper presents the final results of the mapping exercise and consolidates all input on CE indicators and issues highlighted by       stakeholders (cities, academics, and networks) in the period September 2018 – April 2019.

There are several existing frameworks of indicators, which are related to the Circular Economy. This section presents key guidance materials, studies, papers, and projects that include such frameworks. A long list of indicators with Circular Economy relevance has been developed as a result of the mapping exercise.

Based on the feedback received a list of indicators is proposed. However, additional indicators were added in order to cover the thematic areas of the EC monitoring framework and to ensure reasonable balance between the different groups of indicators.

Last, but not least, it should be noted that considering the limitations of the mapping process, the suggested indicators are only meant to support discussions and further work on CE indicators at city level.