Sedona Systems

  • Miguel García G... profile
    Miguel García G...
    26 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

Sedona Systems a is 4-year-old startup company with 40 employees, dedicated to revolutionizing the way Service Provider (CSP) networks are operated. We have developed NetFusion, a network intelligence and automation platform that enables CSPs to make data-driven business decisions that allow them to successfully digitize their operations and create fresh revenue opportunities. NetFusion’s array of applications have been designed to enhance network resiliency, optimize performance, and offer CSPs a clear path from legacy, process-driven operations, to SDN and data-driven operations.

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What is the innovation

As part of the Application-Centric IP/Optical Network Orchestration (ACINO) EU project, Sedona’s NetFusion hierarchical controller (HCO) was extended to control domain controllers from ADVA, Ciena, Coriant, Huawei, and others, working closely with Telefonica.
HCO creates a unified and simplified view of the entire network, enabling end-end network control by interacting with domain controllers from multiple IP and transport vendors. This results in a service-aware network that autonomously changes based on the unique needs of each service, rather than simply improving overall traffic flow.

Out of the lab. Into the market

Based on the EU research conclusions and customer feedback, we have decided to commercialize NetFusion HCO. It has undergone several customer verification tests with different Tier 1 service providers with great success. NetFusion HCO is a major leap in terms of technological abilities, and providers are now beginning to realize the huge potential the solution has for the digital transformation. NetFusion’s capabilities will continue to expand for SDN and service-aware networks, offering CSPs to move towards network autonomy at their own pace.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Working with the members in the ACINO project offered our team insights into the importance of awareness of the needs of the specific applications that use the network, instead of traditional approaches that focus on overall traffic engineering without paying attention to the specific services that comprise the traffic. This resulted in creating a dedicated HCO product as part of the NetFusion product family, which is gaining tractions with tier 1 CSPs, especially in Europe. This innovation was funded via H2020 project ACINO.

Team behind the innovation
