
  • Beatriz OLITE profile
    Beatriz OLITE
    25 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

Pozyx develops both hardware and software solutions for (indoor) positioning with an unseen accuracy. Current technologies such as GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth are able to position within a few meters. The Pozyx system achieves up to 10 cm accuracy by means of wireless ultra-wideband technology and state-of-the-art in house developed algorithms. The most important value driver of the Pozyx system is the ease of installation and maintenance, the system is self-learning and self-maintaining, allowing customers to focus on their business case instead of hardware positioning infrastructure. Pozyx is a spin-off company of the University of Ghent based on the PhD of Samuel Van de Velde on topic of indoor localization.

The team now consist of 15 people strong with core R&D team of 9 (3 PhD) focusing on the full R&D chain from hardware design, to embedded software, to positioning algorithms, to cloud applications. On the other hand we have a strong customer oriented sales and operations team delivering the best experience and after-sales care.

Pozyx on Twitter and Facebook

What is the innovation

After the kickstarter campaign and the initial development the EU-grant allowed us to further develop our accurate positioning platform making it more robust and industrial proof. As every positioning system (like for example GPS) the system consist of infrastructure elements called anchors and movable transmitters called tags, these can be attached to drones, people animals, forklifts… These device communicate via radio-frequency signals called Ultra-wide-band (UWB), allowing to calculate the position up to an accuracy of 10 cm’s. The goal of the EU-project was to deliver an indoor accurate positioning system for a drone, allowing fully autonomous flight. It gave us the possibility to develop a generic platform to be deployed in multiple sectors ranging from agriculture to intralogistics. Current product state: TRL6.

Out of the lab. Into the market

In 3 years’ time, Pozyx has over 1.500 customers in more than 60 countries in multiple sectors, that all have purchased a development kit allowing them to validate technology. Using that customer base we will create cross-sell opportunities transforming this client-base to our industrial product. Based on the past year findings, Pozyx will focus on the market of intralogistics where the main driver for indoor positioning is warehouse cost reduction by optimizing the logistic operations. With pilot-cases at ABI-Inbev, Arcelor Mittal, Eurotec, SEW,… We will build customer-success stories using them as sales tools both in out-bound lead generation and specific tradeshows.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Most important it allowed us to accelerate our growth and get market ready earlier. Which is quite important in our sector as technology is evolving fast and we might miss the market opportunity window by being later to the market. This innovation was funded via H2020 project AiRT

Team behind the innovation



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