Smart spatula helps you adopt healthy cooking habits

  • Filip Grle profile
    Filip Grle
    18 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Recent years have seen an evolution in cooking, moving from almost entirely raw ingredients to processed convenience foods now widely available. Our poor diet has a significant impact on the increase of chronic diseases. COOKiT is a smart spatula that helps you adopt healthy cooking habits. The device has been developed in collaboration with partners of the EU-funded Do CHANGE project and contains sensors that interpret your cooking habits. COOKiT uses this data to encourage you to cook and enjoy a healthy meal from scratch, using fresh ingredients, together with the people you love.

What is the innovation

Onmi developed COOKiT, a smart spatula that helps you adopt healthy cooking habits. COOKiT consists of several parts. The spatula contains sensors that monitor cooking behaviour based on sodium/potassium usage, gestures, and temperature. A smartphone application visualises data, captures meal pictures, and provides recipes. The supporting behaviour change program helps you break free from unhealthy habits. Fully working prototypes are developed and being tested in a RCT trial with 250 cardiovascular patients in the Netherlands, Spain and Taiwan.


About the Innovator

Onmi (it breathes) is a multicultural and multidisciplinary design firm. We create products, systems and services that focus on building and maintaining health and wellbeing. Our mission is to facilitate solutions that are seamlessly integrated into people’s lives: they become as unconscious, autonomous and reparative as breath – Onmi. Our team consists of young designers, data analysts and software engineers.

Out of the lab – Into the Market

Once prototypes are tested and evidence is collected, we will approach the market. Currently, we are in contact with potential partners and investors to take the next step in miniaturisation and manufacturing. Money will be made from product sales and in-app purchases for extra features. Once COOKiT has a larger customer base, data about cooking habits becomes a valuable and unique asset. One patent on COOKiT has been filed, another patent about the sensor technology is in preparation.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Horizon 2020 allowed us to kick-start our company and develop COOKiT within an ecosystem of services. Technology, psychology and design have come together to create a valuable and comprehensive behaviour change system called Do CHANGE. In the project cardiovascular patients are empowered to manage their own health. A combination of clinical and behavioural parameters creates a personalised and patient centred system, in which COOKiT provides a unique insight into cooking behaviour.

For more information on the EU-funded Do CHANGE project, see: