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Women4Cyber Registry

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Inga Žukauskienė

Inga Žukauskienė

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish


Ministry of National Defence
Policy maker

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Legal aspects
  • Security Management and Governance
  • Defence
  • Government
  • Cyber diplomacy
Technologies and use cases
Cyber defence policy
Activities of interest
Expert groups, speaking opportunities, policy formation acitivities
Job seeker
Online presence

Julia Schuetze

Julia Schuetze

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • German


Stiftung Neue Verantwortung e.V.
Academic and researcher
International Cybersecurity Policy Project Manager

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Legal aspects
  • EU cybersecurity policy, US cybersecurity policy, cyber diplomacy, election security, encrpytion policy, political responses
Think Tank - Civil Society
Technologies and use cases
  • Border and external security
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Activities of interest
workshop moderator, research & analysis, panel moderator, media interviews, podcast interviews
Job seeker
Julia Schuetze is the Project Manager for International Cyber Security Policy at Stiftung Neue Verantwortung e.V. Her research focus is on joint responses to malicious cyber activities, specifically on cyber diplomacy of the European Union with the United States and Japan as part of the EU Cyber Direct project. She is a Cybersecurity Policy Fellow at New America Foundation. She has organized several workshops and events with cybersecurity experts from the U.S., EU, Japan and Germany in Washington D.C., Berlin and Tokyo to enhance international cooperation on cybersecurity. Prior to SNV, she worked at Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. and has researched at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. She holds the Euromaster Transatlantic Track degree from University of Bath with stops at UW Seattle and HU Berlin. Her bachelor thesis at the University of Stirling, ‘Germany’s cyber security awareness programme: Lessons from the US’, was tutored by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). She was also an intern at the Washington DC office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in 2014.
Policy Short Brief | “Germany’s Responses to Large Scale Malicious Cyber Incidents and Opportunities for AUS-GER future cooperation”, IN The Convergence Puzzle: Australia, Germany and Emerging Cybersecurity Trends Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 04/20/2020, https://www.kas.de/documents/274425/8492225/Periscope+Volume+3+Digital.pdf/e5379bc3-e5aa-9521-c155-e34d93238774?version=1.0&t=1587344322705
Article | “Voneinander Lernen für effektivere Cybersicherheitspolitik”, Crisis Prevention: Fachportal für Gefahrenabwehr, Innere Sicherheit und Katastrophenhilfe, 19/03/2020 https://crisis-prevention.de/innere-sicherheit/voneinander-lernen-fuer-effektivere-cybersicherheitspolitik.html
Book Chapter | "Transatlantic Cyber Forum—Cooperating on Borderless Cyber Security Challenges", In Redesigning Institutions, Springer International, 02/2020, https://www.springerprofessional.de/transatlantic-cyber-forum-cooperating-on-borderless-cyber-securi/17496896
Article “UN High-Level Report - Discussing Architectures for Global Digital Cooperation”, SNV, 11/07/2020 https://www.stiftung-nv.de/sites/default/files/workshop_documentation.pdf
Policy Brief | “How to Operationalise a Transatlantic Cyber Policy Research Initiative (TCPRI)”, EU Cyber Direct, 09/30/2019 https://eucyberdirect.eu/content_research/1432/
Policy Brief | “Securing Democracy in Cyberspace: An Approach to protecting data-driven elections”, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung e.V., 10/11/2018, https://www.stiftung-nv.de/en/publication/securing-democracy-cyberspace-approach-protecting-data-driven-elections
Policy Brief | “Warum dem Staat IT-Sicherheitsexpert:innen fehlen” [“Why the state is missing IT-security experts”], Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, 02/27/2018 https://www.stiftung-nv.de/de/publikation/warum-dem-staat-it-sicherheitsexpertinnen-fehlen
Online presence
Twitter: @juschuetze
More publications, workshops and past panel apperances: https://www.stiftung-nv.de/en/person/julia-schuetze



Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish


European Commission
  • Operational
  • Academic and researcher

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
Education and Training
  • Audiovisual and media
  • Digital Services and Platforms
  • Government
  • Safety and Security
Technologies and use cases
  • Cloud, Edge and Virtualisation
  • Information systems
  • Internet of Things, embedded systems, pervasive systems
  • Mobile devices
Activities of interest
Job seeker
Online presence

Gabriella BIRÓ

Gabriella BIRÓ

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Hungarian


  • Leader
  • Operational
Head of IT Supervision

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Assurance, Audit, and Certification
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Identity Management
  • Incident Handling and Digital Forensics
  • Security Management and Governance
Technologies and use cases
  • Cloud, Edge and Virtualisation
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
  • Disaster resilience and crisis management
  • Fight against crime and terrorism
Activities of interest
networking, speaking opportunities, mentoring
Job seeker
Online presence



Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Greek


Digital Transformation Services Coordinator

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Assurance, Audit, and Certification
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Identity Management
  • Incident Handling and Digital Forensics
  • Legal aspects
  • Security Management and Governance
  • Software and Hardware Security Engineering
EU Administration
Technologies and use cases
  • Big data
  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
  • Disaster resilience and crisis management
  • High-performance computing (HPC)
  • Information systems
  • Operating systems
Activities of interest
Security Architecture, Data Management, Blockchain, Business Continuity, Cyberlaw,
Job seeker
Digital Transformation Services Team Coordinator
ENISA, the Cybersecurity Agency, Athens (Greece)
Managing the IT team of ENISA. Advising on and coordinating the ICT activities. Contributing to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Agency within the context of increased use of technologies requiring a high level of cybersecurity.
Quality Management across the full range of IT Services ,project management services,initiating changes/improvements to enhance service delivery.
Applying a field proven quality methodology helping process improvement. and influencing data based decision making, in solving problems and completing performance computing projects within predetermined deadlines.

Enterprise Architect-Head of Corporate IT Services Sector
eu-LISA European Agency for the operational management of large scale IT projects, Tallinn (Estonia)
▪ •[from01/04/18]managing the portfolio and resources of Corporate IT Services of eu-LISA as Head of Sector
▪ •[from01/05/14–01/04/18]
managing the portfolio and resources of Corporate Services of eu-LISA in the areas of IT, Logistics and Supplies, Missions, Facilities, Document Management as Head of Sector
▪ •providingdaytodayleadershipandoversighthtoftheSectortoensureatimelydeliveryofitstasks and objectives;
▪ •beinganactivecontributortotheManagementTeaminachievementoftheAgency’sstrategic objectives
▪ •contributingtothemaintenanceandevolutionofITgovernancestandardsandpracticesinthe Agency
▪ •portfolio/programmanagementandtechnicalsupervisionoftheITInfrastructureandIT Applications
▪ •operationalaccountableforinternalandthirdpartyprojectmanagers,planningandmonitoringthe overall progress of IT projects, resolving any issues and managing relationships with key stakeholders;
▪ •managerelationshipswithkeysuppliersandprocurementplansandcontributingtothedefnition of ICT work and budget plans
▪ •responsibleandaccountableforachievementofITprojectobjectives,scope,timetable, milestones, risks and issues
▪ •overseetheadoption,enhancement,andcompliancewith projectmanagementmethodologies, processes, and tools/templates;
▪ •overseethecorrectandtimelyexecutionofadministrativeprocessesandproceduresin compliance with corporate policies and standards;
▪ followupactionsforBusinessContinuityinCorporateIT,governtheconsistencyandcompleteness of requirements and conforming to business continuity policies and standards;
▪ evaluateriskscenarios,evaluatingrisktreatmentoptions,selectingandimplementinginformation security controls
▪ implementCybersecuritycontrolsandaCybersecurityriskmanagementprogram,identifying assets, threats, existing controls, vulnerabilities and consequences (impacts).
▪ •undertakeinitiativesforITprocessimprovement,manageprojectsusingtheDMAIC methodology, perform statistical analyses when appropriate to support improvement efforts,verify process improvement by using statistical methods
▪ •providestrategicadviceandcontributetoroadmapsfortheevolutionofITsystemsalignedwith enterprise architecture and business objectives;
▪ •representeu-LISAinarchitecturalboardsandforums
▪ •contributetoeu-LISA'sR&Dstrategy,evaluatecloudoptionsforITstrategyincludinghigh
performance computing (HPC) options in external hosting providers
▪•developmentofarchitecturalblueprintsforvarioussecuresystemsandidentificationofareas appropriate for future pilots

Seconded National Expert at Maritime Support Services
European Maritime Safety Agency, Cais do Sodre, Lisbon (Portugal)
System monitoring
•Monitoring of system performance •Data quality assessment
Administration of systems
•Administration and validation of user accounts, access rights and digital certificates •Administration and validation of reference lists
Complementary activities
•Reporting and statistics on system data, system activity and performance
•Support to development teams (in testing new software releases, compiling feedback from users on corrections and identifying future developments).
•Informing users in case of problems, new releases, upgrades or programmed maintenance of the system
•Providing an alert function to address major technical failures, or risk of failure, and also monitoring the resolution of problems.
Software Assurance activities
-Software assurance activities and internal audits for the established services of some maritime applications as a POC(Point of Contact)
-Monitoring and evaluating service delivery performance based on agreed key performance indicators.

IT Portfolio Manager
Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organisation 30 Patission Street, 10170 Athens (Greece)
IT Architecture, analysis and development. Development of web applications for welfare provision registration, short term social security provision and statitical representations of social security data. Supervision of contractual and procurement activities, overseeing the monitoring of the outsourced design, development, test and maintenance. Ensuring a high and effective level of IT services. Management of change requests. Detailed test planning and implementation. E-government expert, responsible for the organisation's actions on this area.
Preparing and implementing general programmatic and technical software product assurance requirements as well as supporting projects in the evaluation of contractors' plans and technical specifications Checking the quality of data and services. Analysis and documentation of ICT processes, workflows and service documents.
Provide strategic advice and contribute to roadmaps for the evolution of IT systems aligned with reporting and portfolio management and business objectives;
Business or sector Public administration and defence;
IT Portfolio Manager
Ministry of Transport
Anastaseos 2 and Tsigante, Papagou, 10191 Athens (Greece)
Consulting, analysis and project management, editing of technical proposals, supervision of outsourced IT initiatives, preparation of tender and contract specifications for IT. Supporting the Unit in setting up of projects. Coordination of users, development team and IT operations regarding requirements and software functionality, throughout the development lifecycle. Monitoring system performance. Reporting on the availability of data in the systems. Analysis and documentation of ICT business processes. Drafting of analytical reports.
Evaluating proposed concepts, designs, and operations for compliance with defined requirements;
Initiating and executing research and study activities in the fields of application assurance requirements
Performing audits of contractors and their standards for compliance
Business or sector Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Informatics Secondary/Post Secondary Education Teacher (seconded as
administrative IT Engineer)
Ministry of Education and Religious Affaires, Administrative Unit of Secondary Education of Cyclades
Livadia, Manna, 84100 Syros (Greece)
1. Seconded to the administrative unit of the secondary education of cyclades,
Contribution to the regular tasks of the department, delivery of IT services, support and proper functioning of the IT infrastructure, provision of technical assistance and minor repairs to hardware, software, and peripheral equipment, following design or installation specifications
2. (part time) Taught the subjects of software engineering, advanced programming (java) and telecommunications in post-secondary state vocational training institute of Syros.
Business or sector Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Senior IT Architect/Team Leader
European Dynamics s.a.
Kiffisias 209 and Arkadiou Street, Marousi, 15124 Athens (Greece)
Web/J2EE/SOA architecture and analysis, test design and execution, code quality check, requirements analysis, deployment of web applications and support, management of change requests and provision of users training.
business/e-commerce projects / european commission internet software packages (known projects:EMI-experts management interface, E-PPS/SESAM– form submission system, CAMEO/NYCE/SIRS- content & e-collaboration management systems).
Software Technologies/Tools: Spring, Struts, EJBs(entity & session), JSP/JSF, XML/XSLT, Hibernate, Jasper, different application servers BEA/Weblogic(Oracle now), JBoss, OAS, different databases Oracle, SQL Server & different IDEs JBuilder/Eclipse/NetBeans, versioning tools (CVS/Subversion). Testing using JUnit, JMeter. Code review using CheckStyle, system/application monitoring using XRadar
Functional/non functional specifications analysis, OO/J2EE architecture design (SAD) using UML/RUP.
also worked part time during the period 1/9/2006-1/9/2008
Business or sector Information and communication
Technical Researcher, IT Engineer
Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI)-Centre Of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
1st km Thermi-Panorama, 57001 Thessaloniki (Greece)
Dealing with e-learning platorms, personalised and adaptive learning, educational metadata prototypes, JAVA, Swing and XML based software development. Working as a contractor on EU KOD project (Knowledge on Demand) which supports Open Platforms and Tools for Personalised Learning. Supporting the team in the dissemination and communication of research results related with e- learning/e-traning platforms and tools. Supporting the evaluation of proposals.
Implemented also there my first degree graduation thesis (an xml metadata editor) in the period from 1/4/2000-1/11/2000 through a scholarship granted by the institute. After finishing the thesis I continued with full time employment.
Business or sector Information and communication
Software Engineer (internship)
Kongsberg Offshore
P.O Box 1012, N-3601 Kongsberg (Norway)
The design and implementation of a Man-Machine Interface to the company’s
fiscal systems and the real-time graphical display of the results in diagrams and tables using JAVA servlets, applets, Swing, JNI.
Business or sector Industry-subsea production and metering systems
Master en études européennes - spécialité Droit de la construction européenne
Université de Lorraine, Lorraine (France)
Thèse en cyberdroit
Offert par l’IEAP (Institut Européen d’Administration Publique)
MSc (GCHQ accredited) in Advanced Security and Digital
Napier University, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Malware analysis, Incident Management, Network Architecture, Secure Audit, Penetration Testing, Host Forensics
BSc Business Administration
University of London, London (United Kingdom)
Strategic Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Business Statistics, IT Management, Operational Management
MSc with Distinction in Computer Science
University of Edinburgh
11 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9LE (United Kingdom)
Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Panepistimioupoli Aristoteliou, 54124 Thessaloniki (Greece)
5-year degree currently Master acknowledged

Prince 2 Practitioner
Axelos Education

TOGAF® 9.1 Foundation and Certified (Level 1 and 2) - Enterprise Architecture
Open Group

ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Information Security Management System

COBIT5 - Governance Foundation and Implementation
APMG International

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Lead Auditor and Lead Implementer

Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)

ITIL Expert (v3)

ISO 27005 Certified Information Security Risk Manager

Data Protection Officer Training
EIPA (Institute of Public Administration), Maastricht (Netherlands)

Scrum Master
Scrum Alliance

BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis
The British Computer Society

BCS International Diploma in Solution Development
The British Computer Society

SOA Certified Architect

Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE- 1.4 Certificate)

Java J2SE (Java 6 Certificate)

1. D. Sampson, V. Papaioannou, and P. Karadimitriou: "EM2: an Educational Metadata Management Tool", Educational Technology & Society Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology Task Force, ISSN 1436-4522, Special Issue on Innovations in Learning Technologies, 5(4), August 2002.
2. Papaioannou V., Karadimitriou P., Papageorgiou A., Karagiannidis C. and Sampson D., "From Educational Meta-Data Editing to Educational Meta-Data Management", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 01), Madison, USA, August 6-8, 2001. Best Paper Award.
3. Sampson D., Karagiannidis C., Papageorgiou A. and Karadimitriou P., "EM2 - an Educational Meta- data Management tool", 13th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 01), Tampere, Finland, June 25-30, 2001.
Online presence
