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How well do Member States ensure that imported goods comply with EU requirements?

The FVO has carried out a series of audits in the Member States to evaluate how the national systems evaluate if the import controls on products of animal origin are effective in ensuring that imported goods in the EU market comply with the legal requirements. An overview report on the effectiveness of verification systems across the EU will be published in the coming months on our website. The last audit in this series took place in Ireland in June 2014. The report concludes positively on the system developed by the Irish authorities. They have a system of verification of the controls at the borders that detects deficiencies and allows for continuous improvement. This is allied with the fact that the import competent authorities have a formal cooperation with those in charge of controls on the market. This is used to identify and investigate consignments that have been introduced illegally in the territory.

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Overview reports

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Version: 5.3.3