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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:17, 10 August 2018 Culture ICT.xlsx (file) 13 KB   1
11:56, 9 August 2018 Sport participation.xlsx (file) 15 KB   1
17:01, 8 June 2018 Waste.xlsx (file) 11 KB   1
15:19, 8 June 2018 Municipal waste.xlsx (file) 11 KB   2
16:20, 31 May 2018 Health expenditure.xlsx (file) 11 KB   1
15:06, 28 May 2018 Hourly labour cost.xlsx (file) 11 KB   1
11:09, 28 May 2018 Asylum quarterly report.xlsx (file) 12 KB   2
16:49, 1 December 2017 Resource productivity June2017 final V2.xlsx (file) 81 KB   1
16:39, 1 December 2017 DMC and GDP - average annual change rates in EU-28 and countries between 2000 and 2016 (%)-Figure3.png (file) 35 KB   1
16:34, 1 December 2017 Resource productivity, GDP and DMC, by country, 2016.png (file) 58 KB   1
16:29, 1 December 2017 Resource productivity - GDP DMC by country, 2000-16 (Index 2000 = 100).png (file) 92 KB   1
14:52, 11 September 2017 Water statistics YB2017 V7.xlsx (file) 130 KB   1
14:50, 11 September 2017 Water use in manufacturing by supply category, 2005–15 (million m³) V3.png (file) 47 KB   1
14:49, 11 September 2017 Use of water by the domestic sector (households and services) — all sources, 2005–15 (m³ per inhabitant) V3.png (file) 53 KB   1
14:47, 11 September 2017 Water use by economic sector — public water supply, 2015 (million m³) V3.png (file) 61 KB   1
14:46, 11 September 2017 Water use by households and the manufacturing industry, from public water supply and self and other supply, 2015 (m³ per inhabitant) V3.png (file) 57 KB   1
14:44, 11 September 2017 Total freshwater abstraction for public water supply, 2015 (m³ per inhabitant) V4.png (file) 48 KB   1
14:40, 11 September 2017 Total freshwater abstraction for public water supply, 2015 (m³ per inhabitant) V3.png (file) 51 KB   1
14:39, 11 September 2017 Groundwater and surface water abstraction, 2005–15 (million m³) V3.png (file) 70 KB   1
14:37, 11 September 2017 Freshwater resources — long-term annual average (billion m³) V3.png (file) 51 KB   1
14:56, 18 August 2017 Water statistics YB2017 V4.xlsx (file) 130 KB   1
14:54, 18 August 2017 Water use in manufacturing by supply category, 2005–15 (million m³) V2.png (file) 47 KB   1
14:53, 18 August 2017 Use of water by the domestic sector (households and services) — all sources, 2005–15 (m³ per inhabitant) V2.png (file) 54 KB   1
14:52, 18 August 2017 Water use by economic sector — public water supply, 2015 (million m³) V2.png (file) 57 KB   1
14:50, 18 August 2017 Water use by households and the manufacturing industry, from public water supply and self and other supply, 2015 (m³ per inhabitant) V2.png (file) 53 KB   1
14:43, 18 August 2017 Total freshwater abstraction for public water supply, 2015 (m³ per inhabitant) V2.png (file) 52 KB   1
14:41, 18 August 2017 Groundwater and surface water abstraction, 2005–15 (million m³) V2.png (file) 72 KB   1
14:39, 18 August 2017 Freshwater resources — long-term annual average (billion m³) V2.png (file) 51 KB   2
16:53, 14 August 2017 Water statistics YB2017 V3.xlsx (file) 132 KB   1
16:51, 14 August 2017 Share of the population connected to urban and other wastewater treatment , selected EU Member States, 2003–15 (%) V2.png (file) 41 KB   1
16:45, 14 August 2017 Sewage sludge disposal from urban wastewater treatment, by type of treatment, 2015 (% of total mass) V2.png (file) 68 KB   1
15:29, 14 August 2017 Other corporations ancillary output of environmental protection services, 2014 (million EUR) V2.png (file) 42 KB   1
15:27, 14 August 2017 General government and non-profit institutions serving households output of environmental protection services, 2014 (million EUR) V2.png (file) 47 KB   1
15:23, 14 August 2017 National expenditure on environmental protection, EU-28, 2006–15 (million EUR and % of GDP) V2.png (file) 41 KB   1
10:48, 28 July 2017 Waste statistics YB2017-2.xlsx (file) 106 KB   1
10:45, 28 July 2017 Hazardous waste treatment, 2014 (kg per inhabitant)-1.png (file) 54 KB   1
10:44, 28 July 2017 Hazardous waste generated, 2010 and 2014 (% share of total waste)-1.png (file) 77 KB   1
16:31, 27 July 2017 Hazardous waste treatment, 2014 (thousand tonnes)-1.png (file) 29 KB   1
16:29, 27 July 2017 Waste treatment, 2014-1.png (file) 54 KB   1
16:27, 27 July 2017 Waste generation, excluding major mineral wastes, 2004 and 2014 (kg per inhabitant)-1.png (file) 43 KB   1
16:25, 27 July 2017 Waste generation, 2014 (kg per inhabitant)-1.png (file) 40 KB   1
16:23, 27 July 2017 Waste generation by economic activities and households, 2014-1.png (file) 79 KB   1
14:28, 7 July 2017 Crime and criminal justice tables 2017 v2.xlsx (file) 276 KB   1
14:27, 7 July 2017 Crime and criminal justice figures 2017 v2.xlsx (file) 58 KB   1
14:25, 7 July 2017 Prison population, EU-28, 2008–15 (2008 = 100) V2.png (file) 31 KB   1
14:24, 7 July 2017 Personnel in the criminal justice system by sex, EU-28, 2015 (% of total) V2.png (file) 34 KB   1
14:22, 7 July 2017 Personnel in the criminal justice system, EU-28, 2008–15 (2008 = 100) V2.png (file) 37 KB   1
14:21, 7 July 2017 Police-recorded sexual violence offences by legal status and by sex, EU-28, 2015 (% of total) V2.png (file) 32 KB   1
14:19, 7 July 2017 Police-recorded sexual violence offences, EU-28, 2008–15 (2008 = 100) V2.png (file) 34 KB   1
14:17, 7 July 2017 Police-recorded robbery, burglary, theft and other unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors, EU-28, 2008–15 (2008 = 100) V2.png (file) 32 KB   1
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