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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
08:34, 26 September 2017 Selling prices of animal products, 2016.png (file) 16 KB   3
08:34, 26 September 2017 Deflated price indices for energy and animal feeding stuffs, EU-28, 2010-2016.png (file) 12 KB   1
08:33, 26 September 2017 Deflated price indices for selected animal outputs, EU-28, 2010–2016.png (file) 20 KB   4
08:32, 26 September 2017 Production of meat, 2016.png (file) 65 KB   4
08:30, 26 September 2017 Production of meat, EU-28, 2010–2016.png (file) 16 KB   1
08:30, 26 September 2017 Llivestock population, EU-28, 2010-2016.png (file) 23 KB   1
07:35, 21 September 2017 Production of meat, EU-28, 2005–2016.png (file) 22 KB   2
07:34, 1 September 2017 Forests forestry and logging statistics.xlsx (file) 105 KB   4
08:06, 31 August 2017 Supply and use of products within forestry, 2015.png (file) 23 KB   3
11:45, 28 August 2017 Wood products - production and trade with 2016.xlsx (file) 142 KB   1
11:55, 11 August 2017 Wood products - production and trade.xlsx (file) 138 KB   5
11:55, 11 August 2017 Wood products imported to the EU-28 from countries other than China or tropical countries, 2000-2015.png (file) 36 KB   2
11:55, 11 August 2017 Wood products imported to the EU-28 from FLEGT countries, 2000-2015.png (file) 30 KB   2
11:54, 11 August 2017 Wood products imported to the EU-28 from China, 2000-2015.png (file) 26 KB   2
11:53, 11 August 2017 FLEGT countries' share in total wood imports to the EU-28, 2000–2015.png (file) 24 KB   4
11:53, 11 August 2017 FLEGT countries' share in tropical wood imports to the EU-28, 2000–2015.png (file) 21 KB   4
11:53, 11 August 2017 Employment in wood-based industries compared with total manufacturing, EU-28, 2000–2015.png (file) 33 KB   2
07:47, 11 August 2017 Wood energy update 2017.xlsx (file) 83 KB   4
07:29, 11 August 2017 Greenhouse gas emissions and removals by LULUCF and agricultural source sectors, EU-28, 1990–2015.png (file) 15 KB   2
09:27, 10 August 2017 Forestry and climate change.xlsx (file) 64 KB   3
09:27, 10 August 2017 EU consumption (1) of wood products and storage of CO2, 1992–2015.png (file) 23 KB   2
09:27, 10 August 2017 Greenhouse gas emissions and removals by LULUCF and agricultural source sectors (¹), EU-28, 1990–2015.png (file) 13 KB   2
08:32, 10 August 2017 Tropical wood imports, EU-28, 2000–2015.png (file) 20 KB   3
08:32, 10 August 2017 Total wood imports to the EU and the share of FLEGT countries, EU-28, 2000–2015.png (file) 21 KB   3
08:32, 10 August 2017 Sawnwood production, 2000-2015.png (file) 40 KB   2
08:31, 10 August 2017 Wood imports from world minus EU-28, China and non-FLEGT tropical countries (combined) by products, 2000-2015.png (file) 34 KB   1
08:30, 10 August 2017 Wood imports from FLEGT tropical countries by products, 2000-2015.png (file) 28 KB   1
08:30, 10 August 2017 Wood imports from China by products, 2000-2015.png (file) 24 KB   1
07:25, 10 August 2017 Gross inland consumption of renewable energy, EU-28, 2005 and 2015.png (file) 33 KB   1
12:16, 27 July 2017 Maximum electrical capacity, MW, EU-28, 1990-2015 T2.png (file) 38 KB   1
12:16, 27 July 2017 Electricity-and-heat-statistics.xlsx (file) 250 KB   4
11:30, 24 July 2017 Map2 Energy consumption per GDP, 2015.png (file) 489 KB   1
11:30, 24 July 2017 Map1 Energy consumption per capita, 2015.png (file) 488 KB   1
09:18, 24 July 2017 Gross derived heat production by fuel, TJ, EU-28, 1990-2015 F4.png (file) 29 KB   1
09:18, 24 July 2017 Gross derived heat production by fuel, TJ, EU-28, 1990-2015 F3.png (file) 29 KB   1
07:51, 21 July 2017 Waste statistics.xlsx (file) 160 KB   1
07:47, 21 July 2017 Packaging waste.xlsx (file) 154 KB   4
08:20, 18 July 2017 Energy dependency by fuel, EU-28, 1990-1995-2000-2010-2015, ktoe.png (file) 32 KB   1
09:32, 16 July 2017 Price of wood in chips or particles sold, EU-28, 2005-2015.png (file) 16 KB   1
11:01, 15 July 2017 Gross inland energy consumption per capita,1990-1998-2006-2015, toe per capita.png (file) 122 KB   1
13:41, 20 June 2017 Municipal waste landfilled, incinerated, recycled and composted in the EU-27, 1995 to 2015 Rev.png (file) 19 KB   1
13:40, 20 June 2017 Municipal waste treatment, EU-27, (kg per capita) Rev.png (file) 22 KB   1
11:10, 20 June 2017 Final consumption of electricity per GDP (PPS), kWh per 1000 EUR (PPS), 2015 F7.png (file) 69 KB   1
11:09, 20 June 2017 Households consumption of electricity per capita, MWh per capita, 2015 F6.png (file) 60 KB   1
11:09, 20 June 2017 Consumption of electricity by sector, GWh, EU-28, 1990-2015 F5.png (file) 21 KB   1
11:09, 20 June 2017 Gross derived heat production by fuel, GWh, EU-28, 1990-2015 F4.png (file) 27 KB   1
11:08, 20 June 2017 Gross derived heat production by fuel, GWh, EU-28, 1990-2015 F3.png (file) 30 KB   1
11:08, 20 June 2017 Gross electricity production by fuel, GWh, EU-28, 1990-2015 F2.png (file) 22 KB   1
11:08, 20 June 2017 Gross electricity production by fuel, GWh, EU-28, 1990-2015 F1.png (file) 31 KB   1
11:07, 20 June 2017 Simplified balance for electricity and derived heat, ktoe, EU-28, 2015 T5.png (file) 60 KB   1
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