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Archive:European business statistics manual - reference metadata

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This Statistics Explained article is outdated and has been archived - for updated information please see the dynamic version of the European Business Statistics Manual at: European Business Statistics Manual A static full version of the European Business Statistics Manual was published in February 2021: European Business Statistics Manual — 2021 edition

This article provides a description of how data compilers report national reference metadata to Eurostat, and explains the relationship with quality.

The article is part of the online publication European Business Statistics manual, which offers a detailed description of methodologies and background information on how business statistics are produced in the European Statistical System (ESS).

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What is metadata?

The global exchange of data is increasing every day. Data dissemination sites run by different organisations are offering more and more services using data exchange standards that support the automation of data extraction. To be able to process all this data efficiently, reference metadata that describe the data should be produced using a harmonised list of statistical concepts within the ESS. Metadata are essential for understanding the data, and allow users to make comparisons between data and assess the quality of data. Metadata can be expressed as text (e.g. descriptions), values (e.g. percentage rates) and codes (from controlled vocabularies such as code lists).

There are different types of metadata. Structural metadata act as identifiers and descriptors of the data, e.g. dimensions of statistical cubes, variables, titles of tables, navigation tree. They must always be associated with the data, otherwise it becomes impossible to identify, retrieve and navigate the data.

Reference metadata are used to describe the data. There can be different description types, for example:

  • ‘conceptual’ metadata, describing the concepts used and their practical implementation;
  • ‘methodological’ metadata, describing methods used for the generation of the data; and
  • ‘quality’ metadata, describing the different quality dimensions of the resulting statistics.

Reference metadata can be exchanged independent of the data they are related to, but are linked to the data in question.

Metadata f1.png

Legal basis:

The use of reference metadata in the ESS is governed by the following legal acts:

How to process metadata in the ESS?

The creation of metadata follows a stepwise approach:

  • Mapping existing national reference metadata to the two ESS reporting standards (see below);
  • Converting existing national reference metadata files into files based on the ESS standards; and
  • Uploading the national files to the ESS Metadata Handler (ESS MH), a web-based application supporting the production, exchange and dissemination of reference metadata in the ESS (See also Chapter 3).

Reference metadata and quality reports do not exist for all statistical processes within the ESS, and the existing ones may contain confidential information. As a result, not all quality-related information is made publicly available on Eurostat's website.

In addition, the publication of reference metadata and quality reports depends on statistical domain regulations and is decided on the business side at the level of statistical working groups.

Two SDMX-compliant reporting standards are currently used to create, collect and compare national reference metadata in the ESS.

Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

ESMS is a standard and a user-oriented format for the collection of reference metadata in the ESS. It is based on 18 concepts and enables reference metadata to be provided for a list of concepts derived from the SDMX cross-domain concepts. This standard format is also used for the reporting of national reference metadata files to Eurostat (Commission Recommendation 2009/498/EC of June 2009). The ESMS standard is SDMX-compliant.

ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

ESQRS is a standard and a producer of statistics-oriented format. It is based on 11 concepts and allows users to monitor the quality of the statistics produced, concentrating on the main quality criteria (as mentioned in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics). The ESQRS standard is SDMX-compliant.

Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

SIMS builds on the two above-mentioned reporting structures. SIMS 2.0 with ESMS 2.0 and ESQRS 2.0 were approved by the European Statistical System Committee in November 2015. SIMS will be the standard for quality reporting in accordance with the above-mentioned Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics.

Quality is of utmost importance in the area of statistics, and the implementation of SIMS supports quality reporting on European statistics. Producers of official statistics must provide assurance that European statistics are developed, produced and disseminated on the basis of uniform standards and harmonised methods. In addition, users of statistics are guaranteed access to appropriate metadata that describe the quality of statistical outputs so that they are able to interpret and use the statistics correctly.

The ESS Metadata Handler

The European Statistical System Metadata Handler (ESS MH) is a web-based application that supports the production, exchange and dissemination of reference metadata in the ESS. ESS MH accommodates SDMX-compliant standards for reference metadata (ESMS) and quality reports (ESQRS). It supports the harmonisation of reference metadata and quality reports in the ESS.

The diagram below presents the high-level business process for reporting SDMX-compliant reference metadata and ESS MH usage.

Metadata f2.png

Reference metadata on cross-domain coherence in business statistics

A specific part of the national reference metadata is dedicated to cross-domain coherence of the dataset(s) with related data.

It describes ‘the differences of the statistical outputs in question to other related statistical outputs (incl. main differences in concepts and definitions, statistical unit or object, classification (nomenclature) used, geographical breakdown, reference period, correction methods, etc.). The order of magnitude of the effects of the differences should be assessed as well. For each output the report should contain an assessment of incoherence in terms of possible sources and their impacts.’

In the field of business statistics, coherence metadata with other statistics will address the following issues once the Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics is adopted:

  • Coherence with the Business Register (e.g. are population, sampling frame and statistical units taken from the national business register? Are the sampling frames for all FRIBS statistics taken on the same date?);
  • Coherence with other datasets within the same topic and subject area (e.g. is the number of importing and exporting enterprises consistent with the number of active enterprises? Is the R&D personnel in foreign-controlled enterprises consistent with the R&D personnel total?). For a detailed overview of subjects and topics, see here;
  • Coherence with similar datasets of other subject areas of business statistics (e.g. country versus regional turnover data, annual versus infra-annual turnover data; number of employees and self-employed persons collected for ICT versus number of employees and self-employed in active enterprises); and
  • Coherence with national accounts (e.g. on investments or labour-related variables) and, where applicable, balance of payments.


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Legal provisions related to reference metadata can be found in the following overview