Statistics Explained

Tutorial:How to create an article - publishing

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This tutorial is part of How to create an article step by step and consists of information on the publication of an article.

Once the comments in the Discussion page have been agreed upon, the text is changed accordingly. Then the article will be validated by the Statistics Explained team and put on the Statistics Explained Main Page.

An article can be linked to a news release and published at a specified time.

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After publication

  • Several articles on the same theme can be grouped together in an Online publication (Ask Statistics Explained team).
  • You can make your own Collection of articles (Log in, Go to the article, Choose 'Add this page' under 'Create a book' on the right navigation panel).
  • The article can be transformed into a PDF (the layout can be further improved by the Statistics Explained team to get an attractive document with all images alligned to the text etc.)
Example of PDF

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