Statistics Explained

Glossary:Treaty on European Union/pl

Traktat o Unii Europejskiej, w skrócieTUE i często nazywany Traktatem z Maastricht, został podpisany 7 lutego 1992 r. i wprowadzony w życie 1 listopada 1993 r. Reprezentuje on nowy etap w procesie integracji europejskiej, ze względu na to, że otwiera drogę do integracji politycznej, poprzez utworzenie Unii Europejskiejopierającej się na trzech filarach:

  • the European Communities;
  • Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP);
  • police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (JHA).

The Treaty introduces the concept of European citizenship, reinforces the powers of the European Parliament and launches economic and monetary union. Besides, the EEC becomes the European Community (EC).

Amendments were made to the Treaty of Maastricht by:

  • the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997), which increased the powers of the Union by creating a Community employment policy, transferring to the Communities some of the areas which were previously subject to intergovernmental cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, introducing measures aimed at bringing the Union closer to its citizens and enabling closer cooperation between certain Member States (enhanced cooperation). It also extended the codecision procedure and qualified majority voting and simplified and renumbered the articles of the Treaties;
  • the Treaty of Nice (2001) essentially dealt with the institutional problems linked to enlargement which were not resolved in the Treaty of Amsterdam: the make-up of the European Commission, the weighting of votes in the Council and the extension of the areas of qualified majority voting; it also simplified the rules on use of the enhanced cooperation procedure and made the judicial system more effective.
  • the Treaty of Lisbon (2007), which gave legal personality to the European Union, abolished pillar system, increased the power of the European Parliament and involvement of national parliaments in the legislative process of the Union, further extended areas of qualified majority voting (to be changed in 2014 into double majority voting), introduced functions of a President of the European Council and a High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, included the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union into legally binding acts, introduced European Citizens' initiative and ability of a state to voluntary withdraw from EU.

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