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Community Innovation Survey (CIS): Questionnaire library


What is this library about?

The CIS ‘Living Library’ provides an overview for all variables used in any of the CIS rounds since 1992. Many people utilise its services, from data professionals, researchers, and academia, through to designers of innovation surveys.

It allows browsing by themes, such as innovation topics or questions, as well as by questionnaires (survey rounds). It also provides an overview matrix that relates one to others.

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Overview matrix

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Information pages

Each question’s information page shows:

  • The details of the survey question
  • Information on the development of the survey question
  • The context of the question
  • The surveys in which the question has been present
  • The legal basis of the survey
  • A reference to the Oslo Manual

An intelligent web design allows to browse fluently through the application.


Business innovation shapes the future and helps deal with its challenges. It makes enterprises prosper and economies resilient. The CIS provides a harmonised framework for surveys on business innovation in the EU since 1992. It ensures that data is available detailing the innovativeness of enterprises and compares it across Europe.

The CIS implements concepts of the Oslo Manual, the guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data, published by the OECD and Eurostat. No single survey can cover all the topics of the Oslo Manual, while the interest in different aspects of business innovation is also continually evolving. The CIS adapts to changing needs. While some core variables are present in most survey rounds, others are only present in larger intervals.


For further information contact: ESTAT STI CIS

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