Short Supply Chains in the Heart of Slovenia

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A series of different LEADER supported projects helped the development of distribution systems for producers  as to improve market access and local food awareness.

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Project summary: 

Seven partner municipalities at the east of Ljubljana and the three municipalities of Zasavje supported by the Local Action Group, set up a series of projects to develop entrepreneurship in these central areas of Slovenia. These initiatives focused on the development of distribution systems for producers as to improve the market access and local food awareness in Slovenia. In one of the projects they worked closely with local schools and organised learning programmes for pre-school and school children. Another initiative focused on organic vegetable production and distribution by offering training, setting up a storage and distribution facility as well as carrying out promotion and information activities.

Project results: 

A consortium of 15 schools and kindergartens was established and a learning programme was designed for  for pre-school and school children on entrepreneurship, tourism, agriculture and local self-sufficiency.

The ‘Heart of Slovenia’ brand was established and over 100 local food providers joined.

The Ecological Farmers’ Association completed the establishment of the distribution centre, and established a chain of suppliers for the collection and distribution of organic vegetables.