Restoration of small rural villages in the Media Valle del Tevere

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The project was aimed at revitalising small villages that were suffering from depopulation by promoting rural tourism and affirming the cultural identity of the population. 

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Project summary: 

Media Valle del Tevere is known for its unique architectural heritage. The area has small villages with particular architectural, artistic and landscape beauty. However, the area is suffering from depopulation. As the population and available services declined, it became very difficult to develop tourism and use it as a vehicle to reverse the situation.
In response to this situation, the Local Action Group (LAG), following brainstorming and consultation activities, launched a project to restore 14 attractions in the area’s villages and thus improve the attractiveness of the area, both for tourists as well as for the local population.

Project results: 

Thirteen municipalities were involved.
Sixteen villages were restored.
A total of 27 671 inhabitants were involved as residents.
The investment resulted in an increase in the number of tourists visiting the area, more efficient services, social inclusion and protection of the area’s heritage.