RDP4SUD – Networking about the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive

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The project RDP4SUD promoted networking among institutional actors and stakeholders as to the more effective use of RDP measures to implement Directive 2009/128/CE on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides.

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Project summary: 

The project “RDP4SUD”, which was financed by Italy’s National Rural Network, enabled networking by institutional actors, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, and other stakeholders, including professional organisations, consultants, environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and environmental research bodies. 
All of the project stakeholders were interested in facilitating better implementation of the Directive 2009/128/CE on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (SUP Directive) through the more effective use of Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures. 
National workshops were organised to promote networking between different decision-makers and stakeholders on the role and operation of the RDPs to support the priority of sustainable use of pesticides. Booklets were disseminated about the role RDPs could play in supporting that priority, including the protection of habitats and species. Focus groups with environmental stakeholders were organised to create synergies between different RDP measures and actors. 

Project results: 

Over 500 participants were engaged in the two workshops held.
About 300 farmers came together during the field visits.
More than 2 000 copies of the project booklets were distributed.
Institutional networking was promoted at national level by facilitating interaction between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea and other institutions and stakeholders involved in rural development.
Institutional networking was also supported at regional level between different regional offices/decision-makers with varying skills.