Modernization of the agricultural enterprise KLAS

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An organic farm used investment support from the Slovakian Rural Development Programme to modernize its facilities in order to improve animal welfare and increase production.

Project summary: 

KLAS, s.r.o., a cattle and fodder production farm in south-central Slovakia, used support from the Rural Development Programme to reconstruct and expand its cattle stables and modernize its agricultural machinery. These investments have resulted in increased efficiency and quality of fodder production, higher levels of animal welfare, and improved soil fertility.

Project results: 

Over the 2017-2020 period there has been a significant increase in farm performance and output, including:
•    Fodder production increased from 137 mt to around 2 220 mt p.a.
•    Diesel consumption decrease from 60 lt/day to 40 lt/day.
•    The calving increase by 20% and cattle mortality decrease by 60%.
•    One new job created.