‘MaasDigiboksi’ - Rural transport and mobility

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Mobilising rural awareness in Finland about sustainable transport opportunities

Full Project description EN PDF icon (304.07 KB)
Project summary: 

Transport in Finland is changing radically. There is an increasing demand for sustainability, economic effectiveness, and digitalisation alongside some significant changes in transport legislation. In this context, knowledge transfer is an essential part of developing more efficient and environmentally friendly private and public transport systems for rural areas. 
The project was implemented by a university and a research centre. They collected, processed, and disseminated information about changes in the transport and mobility sectors that affect rural areas. Project activities included the production and dissemination of monthly newsletters, articles, and blogs, as well as the hosting of webinars and the presentation of the project at related events and on social media.

Project results: 

The final assessment conducted by the project’s Steering Group concluded that the project succeeded in representing a complex topic via a variety of media and formats. It managed to set out guidance that was relevant and accessible to diverse stakeholders.