Case Study: A smart administrative approach to cross-border cooperation

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Setting up the first transnational LEADER region in Europe, thus allowing the elaboration of a common strategy between LAGs, and include provisions for more sound financial management of and implementation of TNC projects.

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Project summary: 

This methodological case study explores the set up of the first transnational LEADER region in Europe, including parts of Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium and France. It covers the elaboration of a common strategy for Local Action Groups (LAGs), including financial management and implementation provisions for Transnational Cooperation (TNC) projects

Project results: 

The two LAGs Moselfranken and Misererland elaborated jointly an integrated strategy and were both selected. Thus, with the funding period 2014-2020 the first EU-LAG was founded and a model for a cross-border region has been created. Despite the provision that RDPs would have allowed the foundation of an EU-LAG with a single seat, these two LAGs rely on two decision-making bodies and two budgets, and cooperation projects are implemented following the provisions of the RDP of the lead LAG. In that way, for the cooperating LAGs, simplification has already been achieved. For instance, if within one project actors from both LAGs undertake a business trip, for all participants the kilometre flat rate is reimbursed following the provisions of the of the RDP of the lead LAG , in which the project promoter is located. Before this rule was introduced into the RDPs, it had to differ between participants applying different kilometre flat rates for participants from Germany and Luxembourg, despite all travelling costs have been paid from the same project budget.