Case Study: A network for regional development between Latvia and Moldova

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Supporting regional planning using transnational cooperation, with a particular focus on local public-private partnerships

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Project summary: 

This methodological case study explores support for regional development through Transnational Cooperation (TNC) between Latvia and Moldova, particularly focusing on local public-private partnerships.

Project results: 

The cooperation agreements aims to promote activities such as:
•Exchanging knowledge and experience, promoting new activities and capacity building;
•Strengthening the cooperation in areas of common interest and supporting new initiatives and projects between NGOs, their members and partners;
•Promoting and supporting public-private partnerships working on community-led local development principles for the development of rural areas and small towns;
•Supporting involvement in international activities, helping the participants to identify areas for strategic cooperation;
•Joint conferences, seminars, meetings, study visits and other measures;
•Promoting sustainable community development in rural areas and small towns in Latvian and Moldova.