Bergers du Larzac - Improving cheese quality and production capacity

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A cooperative focused on quality cheese production, used Rural Development Programme support to expand its facilities and thus ensure the continuous growth of its business.

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Project summary: 

The cheese cooperative BERGERS DU LARZAC was founded in 1996, allowing 20 local producers to come together to create a range of strong sheep milk cheeses. Between 2014 and 2016, the cooperative showed a steady positive increase in financial results as demand has kept growing. This resulted in the need to extend the cooperative’s facilities and improve its working conditions.
The cheese cooperative BERGERS DU LARZAC was founded in 1996, allowing 20 local producers to come together to create a range of strong sheep milk cheeses. Between 2014 and 2016, the cooperative showed a steady positive increase in financial results as demand has kept growing. This resulted in the need to extend the cooperative’s facilities and improve its working conditions.

Project results: 

By the end of 2016:

  • The cheese dairy had an additional 2300 square meters of space, including 560 square meters of cellar space in the basement;
  • 8 new jobs were created; and 
  • The 42 members of the cooperative processed nearly 4 million litres of sheep milk into cheese and have a turnover of 10 million euros.