Ecolise Virtual Stall

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ECOLISE - European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability

Stall description

Rural community-led responses to the climate emergency are transformative, diverse and effective. Community-led initiatives - such as ecovillages, Transition groups, permaculture projects, energy cooperatives, community supported agriculture and solidarity enterprises - act as hubs of rural social innovation.

Many of these initiatives cooperate with local authorities and regional governments. In Spain the regional government of Navarra came to the Iberian Ecovillage Network for advice on rural regeneration. A pilot project has since been launched by an ecovillage near Pamplona, creating local groups to reverse rural exodus and provide sustainable, regenerative livelihoods in previously abandoned villages.

Similarly, in Germany, five established ecovillages are cooperating with local authorities in Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Baden Wuerttemberg to reinvigorate conventional communities affected by economic, ecological and social decline.

Communities for Future, a new action programme launched by ECOLISE, aims to mainstream such transformative community-led action. For further information see


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