LAG Profile

GAL DELTA 2000 (FLAG Costa Dell'emilia Romagna)

LAG code: 
Main ESI Fund: 
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
ESIF Programme:
Additional ESI Funds:
Contact information
Spoken languages:
LAG email: 
LAG manager: 
Angela Nazzaruolo
LAG manager email: 
+39 053 3576 93
Strada del Mezzano, 10
44020 Ostellato FE
Key themes of LAG strategy:
Additional information on the strategy: 

DELTA 2000 is a Development Agency that works in the coastal area of Emilia-Romagna Region and in the Regional Park of the Po Delta, which was recently (2016) recognized as MAB UNESCO Reserve.

Set up in 1994 as no profit association, DELTA 2000 became a limited liability consortium in 1996. Today it has over 70 partners.

Currently he has been recognized as Local Action Group (LAG) which aims the strategy for sustainable tourism in Emilia-Romagna Delta through the care and enhancement of the landscape.

It was also recognized as Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAG) of Emilia-Romagna Coast which has the objective of the qualification of the ports, the fish production, both of aquaculture and the fishery, in order to increase regional competitiveness, increase profitability of fishermen and fish farmers, contribute to maintenance and creation of new jobs in the fisheries and aquaculture, which also support diversification processes.

Physical & demographic characteristics of LAG area:
Assets & land use of the LAG area:
Size of territory (km²): 
No. of inhabitants: 
Municipalities covered: 
Argenta, Berra, Codigoro, Comacchio, Jolanda di Savoia, Lagosanto, Mesola, Ostellato, Portomaggiore, Goro, Alfonsine, Bagnacavallo, Cervia, Conselice,
Ravenna, Russi
Sub-municipal level: 

The Po Delta area is caracterized by the presence of Po Delta Park - Emilia Romagna region.- MAB UNESCO Biosphere Reserve reconnaisance

Number of entities in LAG decision body: 
Number of LAG staff: